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  1. Capstone NURS 4585 start date 2/24/2014

    I'm not going to graduation. It is during my son's school year and . Everyone says that I should go. I hate to say it, but I'm just glad that I am done. I am ready to get going on all of these goals they have made me come up with during this prog...
  2. Capstone NURS 4585 start date 2/24/2014

    You officially have to be done with all of your classes. But I emailed my UTA advisor and told her I was ready to take Capstone soon. She had me email her on Thursday of week 5 during my last class before Capstone (Leadership) and she registered me...
  3. Capstone NURS 4585 start date 2/24/2014

    Spring Break is next week for my son so I'm making my big push this week so I can have fun next week. This class is not overly stressful, most of the stress is probably self-induced on my part because of other life circumstances. The directions for ...
  4. Capstone NURS 4585 start date 2/24/2014

    Is anyone else feeling like this Capstone project is not explained very well? Ugh, I am going to make up another assignment and hope that I am doing the right thing.
  5. Capstone NURS 4585 start date 2/24/2014

    I got an email from the teacher notifying us of our coaches. Bring it on! I am ready for this to be over quickly and painlessly!
  6. N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management

    I asked my AC and she said she would prefer that we didn't cut and paste. I did it anyway.
  7. N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management

    I cut and pasted also. It does seem like a repeat. I am ready for this class to be over. I am a little worried about the timing of getting my grade for this class then signing up for Capstone. My advisor said to email her on Saturday to remind h...
  8. N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management

    Week 4! Only a couple of assignments left. I better finish them quick because I am already thinking about Capstone and graduation! I had some errors (I think due to incorrect rounding of numbers) on the Financial assignment that left me with a B on...
  9. Capstone NURS 4585 start date 2/24/2014

    I will be in Capstone also. I can't wait to have free time!
  10. N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management

    Is there a place where we actually make a plan in our change theory project or do we just analyze how to make a plan? With this assignment and the financial assignment I feel like I could be completely wrong about how I am going about the assignmen...
  11. N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management

    After this class I only have Capstone. I will be applying for Spring graduation in the next week or two. Week one of classes is always busy. There are usually plenty of assignments to keep me busy the first week, which causes me to be a bit anxious...
  12. I will be starting on Monday. Anyone else? I hope it's pretty easy and straightforward. I already started setting up the shadowing and rented the book.
  13. Health Promotion Across the Lifespan

    So far there are little things to do, but nothing very difficult. I need to take week 2 quiz still, but if it's like the week 1 quiz I will be fine.
  14. Health Promotion Across the Lifespan

    I checked both out from my local library. I am going to skim them to see which looks best.
  15. Health Promotion Across the Lifespan

    I just watched Freedom Writers. It was good. I cried through most of it (I'm just a sap). And now I can say that I've been working ahead in the class!