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About Companion2thewind

Companion2thewind has 3 years experience.

During clinicals, I dreaded the floor I now work on. I love nights so far and am never, ever bored and am always learning.Look forward to becoming an RN very soon.

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  1. TPAPN Affinity NONSENSE

    Hey just following this thread because I'm also in a position of XXXXXX with my current compliance program. I use Affinity as well and after I got a horrific stomach virus last Monday, I made sure and send my case mgr copies of the zofran & hycos...
  2. IN LIMBO-BON monitoring from other state?!

    Hello all, Does anyone have any experience trying to move your BON agreement to another state. Here is my situation: Mississippi revocation due to violation of board order in 2015. I left treatment to move to Louisiana. Didn't get sober again and ev...
  3. Can't stop dreaming about work...when will it end??

    Can't wait to feel "semi-normal" again! Im nowhere near; only 6 weeks on the floor and just graduated in Dec. My wonderfully fair and subtly brilliant teacher said if I had any desire to keep on RN-BSN track that the night shift on our med-surg floor...
  4. Can't stop dreaming about work...when will it end??

  5. TAKING NCLEX @ 8am!!!!

    In less than 12 hours I will be taking my NCLEX-PN for the first (and LAST) time! I don't know if it's a good or very bad thing but I am not nervous nor have I even considered the fact that I may not pass. Truthfully, the really bad thing is that I h...
  6. INTRIGUED: Dr. Burzynski

    Hello I'm a new nurse graduate (pending my ATT & passing the NCLEX) and love to learn about anything in the medical field. I'm only a LPN but plan to continue on to a BSN and have no preference to any specialty at the moment. Mostly due to the f...
  7. ATT worries from state board

    Thanks for your help! I guess never checked back on this, mostly because I didn't want to deal with it and still don't! It is kind of irrelevant now because I'm moving back to New Orleans and LA isn't a compact state therefore even if I have my temp ...
  8. ATT worries from state board

    Thank you both for your help. I hear TX is very strict with boards but thankfully I'm in AR and I do plan to initiate payment plans. At best, they will demonstrate my ability to resolve conflict, haha. I understand where my LPN PROGRAM IS coming fro...
  9. ATT worries from state board

    I'm graduating in December and am terrified that I won't be approved to test for very insignificant reasons. I have no felonies or even a DUI but I have many speeding tickets and a few that turned into warrants, one still in Texas that costs over $60...
  10. I'm only in the very first half of your above journey and don't have much experience to share but the fact that you went and have made it do far just shows how much you do really care and enjoy the work!! It's a mess that the profession is touted as ...
  11. 8 week till graduation

    Congratulations- in the home stretch! I am one check off away from completing my first semester and I have to say that like you, I've cried and am currently, haha, a lot, but will never give up. I think a lot of my frustration is like you said, think...
  12. What can I expect in LPN school?

    I think you are my future self and classmates. We are a diverse group of 22 ladies and two very funny and patient young guys. I don't work and I do live with my parents and the ego blow alone nearly prevented me from finally doing this. But after my ...
  13. Great Learning Opportuity Often Missed

    Our class went to an exhibit called "Bodies Revealed." They use donor bodies and inject inter/extracellular spaces with silicon then chemically remove all epidermis and expose body systems. I found the diseased organs and affected systems incredibly ...