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About FreckledCoffeeRN

FreckledCoffeeRN has 4 years experience.

Latest Activity

  1. First Angry Call

    So just tell me I'm being silly and shake it off. Had a sub today and easily got a 20% increase in visits today. Plus lunch time kids are just pouring in. I assess to make sure it's they're not bleeding, or if there's an emergency and send them on t...
  2. Things that make me grumpy

    I guess because it had been a long day but I was about to leave for the day when a kid comes in with his parent. The kid complaining that sibling bit him, (no visible bite, blood, teeth indentions), so why was this a nurse problem? Mom was right ther...
  3. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Sort of! It's Dia de los Muertos print. Here in Texas-land the holiday is big, at least in border regions.
  4. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    On Wednesday we wear pink calaveras.
  5. Not sure this is the right place for me after all...

    I wish I could offer more insight, but I've been at it 3 wks. I told myself when I got this job I'd give it a whole school year (with the idea that some people have jobs they hate till they retire) so if I didn't like it I could do a few months. That...
  6. Older Littles

    I'm waiting for my X-ray glasses, 2 day Prime shipping-en route. Teacher couldn't straighten leg or move it really. Off to the hospital you go!
  7. Older Littles

    To top yesterday off, 20 mins to the dismissal bell-teacher falls...broken hip.
  8. Older Littles

    Thanks for the support guys. Stocking up on saltines, peppermint, and practicing my boss voice. God knows I didn't use it at bedside with all our customer service pep talks/surveys.
  9. Older Littles

    I know I kind of wanna throw that speech out too but I'm just afraid I'll get a mad parent call/complaint the next day about how I didn't allow student to call parent or didn't hear out their complaints "They could've been VERY ill" etc.
  10. Older Littles

    So I've been at this for all of 3 wks. Some days are better than other, but that's any job. What I'm having a difficult time with right now is the bigger littles. Give me a sick kid and I'll nurse away but the ones that aren't really sick throw me. ...
  11. What do they call you?

    Thank you guys for all your answers...and the Steve Miller Band lyrics.
  12. New School Nurses

    Hope you guys' year is going great! I'm starting on Monday. School started almost a month ago in my part of Texas but got hired late. I come from a outpatient surgery/GI/infusion/interventional radiology unit but we do get weekly peds getting surgery...
  13. What do they call you?

    So kinda trivial question but I'm overthinking about my start day on Monday 9/19 So what do the kids call you? Nurse First Name Nurse Last Name Ms./Mr. Last Name How about teachers? First name basis? Same as above? I feel silly thinking this hard....
  14. Pearls of Wisdom

    Yeah, it's a kind of a big-ish district. Every school has a nurse.
  15. Pearls of Wisdom

    New to the school nurse forum. I recently signed my contract for elementary school nurse position in Texas. When I was hired I told my supervisor that I would have to give my 2 wks notice to my hospital job. It wasn't my intention to start so late i...