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About RNLady115

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  1. Need negotiating advice!

    May I ask in what area of the U.S. you are located?
  2. ODU FNP Fall 2014

    I believe next year ODU moves to a DNP-only program for FNP. I'm starting their program in less than a week, and I'm pretty sure we're the last MSN FNP class to come through (or so I've heard). Best of luck to you!
  3. FNP Program Requirements

    If you're only looking at getting a nursing degree (and are not applying to other programs that need GRE's), I would suggest taking the MAT's for ODU. Not as intense to study for. I got a 437 on my MAT and am starting the MSN FNP program this Monda...
  4. Georgetown Online FNP Program

    Patti_RN- Have you completed your course of study? Do you feel that you were well prepared? I am starting in September and am extremely nervous about the cost of the school.
  5. Minimum level of experience for FNP

    That is a bit of a ridiculous statement. To be a good nurse, you need to do more than just task. You have to understand the meaning as to why you're doing what youre doing and esuring the therapy you are doing is appropriate. Critical thinking is ...
  6. Georgetown FNP 2014

    Hi Everyone! Hoping to refresh this post. I have just applied for Georgetown's FNP program and was told my admissions packet would go under review on Monday. I am nervous, as I have been accepted for a Master's program that is non-clinical, but go...
  7. Employment with VCU? Pay?

    Hey Nakeia, I would like to PM you to ask you more questions, but I haven't posted enough to use that function yet. Could you tell me, however, what the differential pays are? Specifically weekends, nights, and weekend nights? Thanks! I just want...
  8. VCU MCV hiring processes

    I was told by a recruiter that she would forward my application and resume to the nurse manager. Lo and behold- 3 weeks later I finally got a call from the nurse manager. She said she had noticed that I had applied in April, and she had no idea! I...
  9. How to get into med surg?

    I've got about 2 years of Med/Surg experience on me, and I was lucky in that I went to a hospital-based diploma school so finding jobs was a part of the perk upon licensure. My best advice to you is to contact the nurse manager directly. If you rea...
  10. Employment with VCU? Pay?

    Thanks for the advice! I wish I had my BSN done by now, I have a feeling they would be more responsive to me if I did. I think I may just try to get the nurse manager's email address and forward her/him my resume. That was how I got my first job (...
  11. Employment with VCU? Pay?

    If anyone could provide me with some advice or information, I would greatly appreciate it!... I currently live in Norfolk, VA and would like to relocate to the Richmond area. I have applied multiple times to VCUHS online, and have received absolutel...
  12. New to Navy, ODS, Portsmouth-need any help?

    Sw88tPea- can I ask, you said you graduated from nursing school in 2010- What type of nursing did you do prior to being commissioned? What was your GPA in your BSN program? I am considering applying when I graduate from my RN-BSN program this Decem...
  13. Nursing school is so challenging for a variety of reasons. Usually, their attendance policies are much more strict than regular liberal arts classes. Clinicals rotations can be stressful, as you are being exposed to environments and experiences tha...
  14. Requesting Early Transfer???

    I recently transferred from my job as a med/surg/tele nurse for approximately 1 year to L&D, which is what I thought I always wanted to do. However, almost a month in now and I am realizing that I don't like L&D half as much as I thought I wo...
  15. Nurses in the path of Hurricane Irene

    I work at Virginia Beach General, normally weekend shift. They are telling me to pack a bag, be prepared to be in the hospital by early Saturday, and be prepared to stay until at least Monday morning. They are providing child care to people who abs...