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About BigBluemadness

BigBluemadness has 1 years experience.

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  1. DNP student with regrets?

    I totally understand that! I am very blessed to have this option and the more I think about it the more sense it makes to ride this degree out. I hope you are able to find some scholarship or grant money! They are out there but I have noticed most ar...
  2. DNP student with regrets?

    I should also clarify that my program is not miserable. I am confident I will be satisfied once I graduate either way. It is just that these non-clinical courses are not my primary interest at this time.
  3. DNP student with regrets?

    Thanks for the comment! Going full-time in the DNP program is really not an option as I cannot afford to be without an income for 3 years (mine is also 3 years FT). I wish it were though. The MSN programs I have been looking into are Vanderbilt and U...
  4. DNP student with regrets?

    Hey all, I am currently in a BSN-DNP program and I am having regrets about my degree choice. I am currently working as RN in an ICU attached to my university. I am in a blessed situation to have all or nearly all of my DNP program paid for by my empl...
  5. Grateful but discontent

    Thanks for the reply! I do document all pages/comm. with docs. I actually had one doc ask me not to document "no response from doc". I always just documents verbal orders/ orders to be wrote/ no orders. But obviously someone document a little more ac...
  6. Grateful but discontent

    Hey all! So I am a new grad (Graduated in May '13). I had a hard time finding a job after graduation as most of my peers did. I was eventually (after three months) hired! I currently work in an ICU in a small hospital. This was not what I wanted i...
  7. BSN to DNP Advice Needed! (Senior Nursing Student)

    Thanks for the reply! I should clarify, I have a job (full time) lined up after graduation.
  8. Hello! I am A senior nursing student (graduate in May) and have applied to a BSN to DNP program. I have already interviewed for the program and I feel good about my chances of being accepted. However, my dilemma lies in my working/school time c...
  9. Hipaa violation?

    You definitely need to be sending this type of info via sanctioned email address. Also, any email containing PHI needs to be sent with an encrypted password that only your recipient and yourself will know. Some of the issues with personal emails are...
  10. One in the hand is better than two in the bush. But it really depends on your priorities and area. I would say more than a week to 'consider' may be too long, and you risk burning a bridge with the two hospitals which may offer. If jobs are in short...
  11. A payroll card instead of a check???

    I am just a nursing student, but I was paid with one of these at a former job. I have to say, as a whole, I hated it. First off, it just doesn't seem like you're getting paid, it feels like you're getting a gift card. And yes, if you have any type of...
  12. No nursing shortage: roll call!

    Eastern / Central Kentucky- I have never heard of an umployed nurse. There is definitly not a surplus. I am also in Oklahoma at the moment, and there is definitly a shortage here in the rural areas. To say there is or is not a shortage is a generaliz...
  13. Help! Need some pointers on passing the math portion of the teas

    I don't know exactly about the teas test, my school didn't require it. I can tell you though that math is best learned as a comprehensive subject. what I mean is that you need to be sure you spend plenty of time understanding WHY A and B = C, not jus...