Nellie Nurse

Nellie Nurse

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About Nellie Nurse

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  1. Are we doing good for our patients?

    It's like you are me. I have been working in an ICU for almost a year now. I find myself more bothered with the things that go on here than in any other place I have worked. Having to participate in caring for patients who are rotting away in the ...
  2. Hematoma after heart cath

    Thanks for the reply. The hematoma was too large to mark; extending into the groin and thigh. It was a critical situation. Unfortunately the SWAT nurse present, the one that we look to as a guide for interventions in these situations, gave poor ad...
  3. Hematoma after heart cath

    Not my pt but an event that happened the other night has me wanting to refresh my education and I can't find much info with a general web search. Pt developed rapidly expanding hematoma shortly after tx from cath lab. It was eventually discovered t...
  4. Got myself stuck out west

    That's surprising. Prior to moving out here I was working just south of the MI border, in Indiana and I figured their wages would be similar. Hoping to someday go to possibly the GR area.
  5. Got myself stuck out west

    So I have been living out here in the Phoenix area. I would love to someday move back to West MI which will always be home to me. I feel as though that will not be possible due to the huge difference in pay. My base is 33 with 18% shift diff. If I...
  6. What to do about barrage of questions from families

    Sometimes when a family member would ask me more questions than I could answer about the patient's plan of care by the physician who usually did not share that information with me I would give the family member the phone number to the doctor's office...
  7. Becoming an RN just for the paycheck

    Is it just my idealistic view of what a nurse should be or does this bother other nurses? I have heard several times lately and have read articles of people who are going to nursing school, not because they want to be a nurse but because they want th...
  8. Places who pay for schooling ????

    When I was in nursing school I did not take the scholarship for the reasons mentioned by the previous poster but the hospital I worked for also had an option for tuition reimbursement. Unlike the scholarship program they did not pay for the full loa...
  9. Any outlandish therapy, you've thought up?

    - I wish that there was a headset device that you could talk into while doing the head to toe assessment of the patient that would automatically enter your assessment into the computer so I wouldn't have to do all of this darn charting. I could just...
  10. DVT prophylaxis orders

    So the hospital I work at recently instituted these DVT prophylaxis orders where each pt upon admission has a form placed on their chart for the doctor to review and sign. The form has boxes to check for increased risk of DVT such as hx of DVT, rece...
  11. Jcaho Medication Reconciliation

    I work on an ortho/neuro unit where the doctors are babied. Our med reconciliation forms used to be order sheets that the doctors could check mark DC or continue but none of them used the order form the right way. So now the med rec form is put in ...
  12. Can't decide where to go!!

    I have had experience with a level 1 trauma teaching hospital as well as a level 2 hospital. I am most concerned about the drive and safety. Both facilities are about the same distance from where I will be staying but I have heard that the traffic ...
  13. Can't decide where to go!!

    I have 2 offers for travel positions, one for Banner Good Sam on the Ortho/Neuro, med-surg unit, and the other on a med-surg/oncology unit at Banner Thunderbird. I have never been to either of these facilities. I am wondering what to choose. Help....
  14. Southwest Michigan??

    From a fellow Michigander I want to congraulate you on passing the NCLEX!! I myself was raised and currently live in Berrien county. I have worked at Lakeland, Butterworth in Grand Rapids, and Memorial hospital so if you have any questions feel free...
  15. Our hospital just switched to Cerner. We had started out with using computerized MAR but we just went back to the paper MAR because pharmacy was totally unprepared for the change and a lot of scary things were happening- meds were being put in twice...