
demylenated BSN, RN

Addiction, Psych, Geri, Hospice, MedSurg

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About demylenated

demylenated has 18 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Addiction, Psych, Geri, Hospice, MedSurg.

Nurse... 17+ yrs exp in host of places. Healthcare, basically, all of my life. Furthering my degree, graduate in December ? Yay me.

Latest Activity

  1. Passed RN NCLEX with 75 q in 45 mins

    We all feel like we bombed it. I agree.. the test was crazy though. Did you try the trick to see if you passes?
  2. Passed RN NCLEX with 75 q in 45 mins

    Good luck. Sometimes, imho, it is better to give your brain a rest and let it absorb everything you've been cramming in there. Some people just study up until they walk in the door. To each his own. Haha! Regardless, I wish you the best of luck. Come...
  3. Replaced by Certified Medication Aide!

    It's scary! I was a CMA. I watched for a week as people who couldn't even pronounce the medication they were given pushed pills. I watched as a girl struggled to understand the reading of a BP before giving up and just saying, here take you "lissanep...
  4. Passed RN NCLEX with 75 q in 45 mins

    I like the ordered ones... but didn't have any. I despise SATAs, so I was in shock when it shut off at 75 questions. Like Bubblejet, i figured if I didn't know it, I wasn't going to get it... WOW, MrsP, that is amazing. I thought I was quick. I was u...
  5. If Excelsior loses crediblity, do I as well?

    What do you mean it is taken as a "case by case?" Excelsior has been around long enough, I doubt they will lose anything anytime soon. What you can consider, if Ala doesn't want to accept it, is finish it, take your boards and license in a neighborin...
  6. Dropped from Kaplan nursing program

    It would depend on the reasons they dropped you.
  7. Passed RN NCLEX with 75 q in 45 mins

    I had a LOT of SATA's. I'd say close to 40%. Those were the only alt type questions that I had. It was quite difficult. More-so than I had imagined. I took the NCLEX PN 14 years ago and passed with 85 questions. I took it ASAP, about 1 month after gr...
  8. Restrictions on my RN license.

    Can you not admin any medication or is it restricted to narcotic like drugs?? I've not really heard of them doing all of this simply with a dui. It usually has something to do with drugs. Amazing. Cardiac rehab I would think has a lot of needed medi...
  9. Restrictions on my RN license.

    I agree with the commuter. You will more than likely have to get a more low key position. If you are at a fast paced hospital, they are not going to want to put a nurse who will not be able to handle meds on the floor. That is... dare I say... 85% of...
  10. A&P "coloring book"??

    I think I have a PDF version. Let me check.
  11. Are C's really the new A's in nursing school?

    If C is the new A, then there are a lot of people that are passing by the skin of their teeth or failing out. We need a 79 to pass, which is a high C. You get a 78.99, you fail. PERIOD. There is no rounding AT ALL. A's are more than possible. Hard wo...
  12. How many Prereqs will I need for my BSN?

    BE VERY CAREFUL with private schools. While you'll get your nursing degree, most of the credits will not transfer if you decide to go on. I did that for my LPN. Spent way too much money and had to do every single pre-req over again. With that said, I...
  13. Insuffecient work experience to bridge?

    We had all sorts of people that came to our bridge. We even had 3 that had not worked as LPNs yet. One had just graduated LPN in December and started the bridge program in August (don't ask, I have NO idea why she just didn't go through RN in the fir...
  14. For allnurses

    a nurse's reply: what do we see, you ask, what do we see yes we are thinking when we look at thee we may seem to be hard when we hurry and fuss but there’s many of you and too few of us we would like far more time to sit with you and talk to bathe yo...
  15. Can lpns become addictions nurses?

    Yes, I’ve been an LPN for 13 years. I’ve spent every one in Psych. The last 6 specifically in an addiction clinic that I helped co-found. It is an amazing job. We are different from the typical clinic. We treat with IV amino acids which help repair t...