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About determined_nurse

determined_nurse has 5 years experience.

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  1. OIG

    With the help of my support network and with the help of a good lawyer I have been removed from the OIG list. I just received notificaton today. The best part is that I stayed sober through this whole mess. As a nurse I was the one always helping oth...
  2. Anyone ever get their license back after revocation?

    Question for SWS RN. Apparently I cannot PM until I've had 14 posts...hmm. Anyway, did you apply to be removed from the OIG exclusion list prior to your exclusion end date? It is my understanding that there are mandatory and permissive exclusions ba...
  3. Have you considered trying outpatient nursing? I have worked in nursing homes, hospitals, and more recenlty in a family practice setting. There are so many nursing jobs out there outside of LTC and hospital settings and many of them don't require med...
  4. Turned down due to nursing probation

    I just wanted to share an experience I had recently with applying for a nursing job. I have a consent agreement with the BON for 5 years also called nursing probation. I was interviewed for a RN job a local hospital and the interview went great. I di...
  5. OIG

    Thanks for the responses. I am in the process of applying to grad school for my MSN and hope the OIG exclusion doesn't affect my application process. Does anybody know if I'm able to get student federal loans while on the OIG list? Can a student do c...
  6. OIG

    I am new to this site and was wondering if any of you had info on the OIG exclusion list. I have been in recovery since March 2007 and half way through my 5 year nursing probation. I have been working as an RN since 2008 and just found out that I'm o...