lumbarpain ADN, RN

Geriatric/Sub Acute, Home Care

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About lumbarpain

lumbarpain has 17 years experience as a ADN, RN and specializes in Geriatric/Sub Acute, Home Care.

Conscientious, goal oriented, fast learner, great problem solver.

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  1. lumbarpain

    Why do RN's avoid LTC positions?

    37 years I struggled with LTC...after the first 4, I wanted out...Life happened and set me back and although my biggest dream was to become an Holistic fell out of the boat...….I swam to find my NOOK in nursing...but finances brought me...
  2. lumbarpain

    Is this anxiety or should I quit nursing?

    ...This suggestion I will make is what was in my heart since nursing school.......but unfortunately Life got in the way and it all ended. YOU are much younger than I....and you have a tremendous background. I always wanted to be a Holistic Nurse or ...
  3. lumbarpain

    Coronavirus (COVID-19): We Want to Hear from You

    Northern Virginia is vigilant but quiet, however I am not in my regular job anymore, LTC. Working with the homeless now.....and in the past two months with all the off the street people that have come in and new residents...all is well. Strong feel...
  4. lumbarpain

    A challenging & rewarding job.... but a "dead end" in nursing?

    I started out after Nursing school working in a local hospital....being a newbie I found a hospital setting to be very non personal/cold and it had made me feel very separated from my patients, not getting to really know them as human beings. Basical...
  5. lumbarpain

    Should I Retire my License?

    Thank you so much Nurse Beth....Been a long hard road for me since moving to Virginia in 2013 from NJ(my homestate) but you certainly helped me greatly with this decision. finances are tight now and I will decide on what to do after I get a response ...
  6. lumbarpain

    Why do RNs choose to work in nursing homes?

    Since my last post I have changed jobs...very low pay but its with the Salvation Army dealing with homeless population....however..I am still in Nursing mode and the operations are much different , although I can offer many helpful hints and help for...
  7. lumbarpain

    Why do RNs choose to work in nursing homes?

    I chose nursing home work as an RN for I wanted MORE contact with my residents and most people in them have no friends or family left. they are alone. The elderly are in my eyes discarded like an old shoe. And yes...I got to KNOW them much better...
  8. lumbarpain

    It's Driving Me Crazy

    I always looked up what was going on with my patients....cause I never got a good report from the day nurses. Never trust no one. Cover yourself so you are ready for questions from a doctor , patient or family member. I found it very good for myself...
  9. lumbarpain

    How many residents is too many for one nurse?

    I am burned out. RN charge for over 30 years..have went through the wringer with injuries and now not even being able to function physicaly anymore due to severe short staffing...being habitually hammered on my management and family members. I cut m...
  10. Personally as LTC RN over 30 years..I have had it.....I have seen enough....I am burned out physically as well as mentally.....this job is not for me anymore, mostly due to the increased workload, demands, understaffing, and horrible management........
  11. lumbarpain

    LTC nurses: Can I hear from you, please?

    Over 30 years of LTC experience..I am an RN .....tough job...have seen a lot of speciality nurses not be able to handle the dementia, confusion, demands and Irate family members you deal with.. but I am a Overly seasoned LTC are young ye...
  12. lumbarpain

    What song describes your workplace environment?

    We got to get out of this place...if its the last thing we ever do".....I think its a early60s song by the Animals or Rolling stones....
  13. lumbarpain

    Aggressive family member

    And having been a nurse that had recently been attacked by a demented resident which has never happened to me before in my 30 years of nursing.....It takes you back a few steps. especially when management thinks its funny that you got attacked by a 6...
  14. lumbarpain

    Aggressive family member

    Having family, significant others or friends of any type when you are concentrating on a vital procedure in the same room, I FEEL is not appropriate Its nerve wracking for all involved..... ..however in this world of heavily angered stressed out peop...
  15. lumbarpain

    Visually impaired nurses

    I am a Long Term care nurse of over 30 years...recently diagnosed with Glaucoma in the left eye and the optic nerve is badly affected where it makes my job very unnerving, due to computer work of over 7 hours at times, measuring and trying to read th...