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About hmgunc

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  1. Duke ABSN 2012

    I'm accepted too! Congrats everyone!
  2. Duke ABSN 2012

    Good luck from me too! I was very nervous during my interviews, but they were really very relaxed ( I just wasn't). Next week will be here before we know it!
  3. Duke ABSN 2012

    Did they say during Duke Days that they're going to offer 100 people admission for 72 spots? I wasn't sure if I heard that correctly. If so, that makes our chances seem better than I thought!
  4. Duke ABSN 2012

    Great. Thanks lavigs!
  5. Duke ABSN 2012

    Can anyone who has already interviewed tell me what you wore and if you went outside at all during the day? I think I'm going to wear a suit (skirt and jacket) and heels but I wanted to see what kind of activities would be happening throughout the d...
  6. Duke ABSN 2012

    Here is what the lady in admissions responded when I asked if not being able to take developmental psych would affect admissions decision: Hilary, This course really doesn't alter the admission decision, so if you aren't able to take it, it won't af...
  7. Duke ABSN 2012

    Thanks for the reply oaktown! I will probably email M in admissions just to double check.
  8. Duke ABSN 2012

    Did you guys all take Developmental Psych? I am registered for it (to take it in the fall), but I don't know if I'll be able to take it with my schedule so I was thinking about dropping it, but I don't know if this will affect my acceptance. It is ...
  9. Duke ABSN 2012

    My interview confirmation email was in my inbox when I woke up this morning. Does anyone know what a group interview is? Is that where they interview several candidates at the same time?
  10. Duke ABSN 2012

    KC- I'm going on the first too! I haven't decided on wardrobe yet-- I'm thinking maybe a pencil skirt and suit jacket that I can take off if it gets hot. Speaking of tuition-- does anyone know how much the program is going to cost (not including li...
  11. Duke ABSN 2012

    I got mine too :)
  12. Duke ABSN 2012

    Hey! I came up with 56% because I divided 150 by 66 and then subtracted that from one- which is not correct at all! It's 44%; I have been doing too much statistics (and even that doesn't justify it). Good luck everyone! I'm trying hard not to com...
  13. Duke ABSN 2012

    I was thinking they would take more too--that's 56%. At least if we get an interview we'll know we still have a chance!
  14. Duke ABSN 2012

    Hi Bicirose! Welcome! Thanks for the info that we're going to notified about interviews on 7/11. That's a little bit sooner than I thought! I'm a teacher-hoping to be nurse too. Good luck to you!
  15. Duke ABSN 2012

    How long were we thinking before interview notifications? One to two weeks?