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About Mindylane

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  1. Hi, thanks for the response. Yes, we are probably going to utilize part-time childcare; however, babysitters cost about $20 an hour here and daycare for one is easily $1,600 per month. We cannot afford to pay that. I just looked at our budget, and we...
  2. Hello! I've been an RN for 3 years and my husband just got his very first nursing job, (dependent on him passing the NCLEX). Assuming he does, he'll be starting in September (he's taking a month off because our first baby is due at the end of July). ...
  3. Mindylane

    Switching from NICU to Psych

    Hello! I've been a NICU nurse for two years this July. My background before nursing is in psych; my first bachelor's was in Psychology, then I worked in a group home for two years, followed by one year as a case manager. In the group home, I was the ...
  4. Mindylane

    How easy it is to pick up extra shifts?

    We seem to have feast or famine at our NICU. They're either desperate for staff and offer $450 to pick up an extra shift, or they're begging for people to put themselves on the "wish list" to be canceled. In April, I picked up a shift a week. In May,...
  5. Mindylane

    Holding with art line

    Our hospital's policy is that if a baby has a UVC, they cannot be held.
  6. Mindylane

    I was a stripper ..

    I'm really thinking you should stick with your other endeavors that don't include nursing. It doesn't sound like nursing is for you. Flame me all you want, but... nursing schools are churning out a bazillion new grads a year these days and I'm findin...
  7. Hello, I work in a NICU and I just found out last week that I'm pregnant, currently five weeks. I haven't told anyone at work yet, because it's too soon. Anyway, a baby is currently being tested for CMV. I haven't been the primary nurse for this baby...
  8. Mindylane

    2016 Salary thread

    Northern Virginia is apparently one of the worst in terms of COL and income for nurses.
  9. Mindylane

    George Washington University ABSN - Fall 2016

    Haha, yeah, so you get it with the rent thing, haha. Same thing in NY. They strongly discourage you from working and honestly there's really very little time to work and I was fortunate that my husband was working full-time, but I was able to babysit...
  10. Mindylane

    George Washington University ABSN - Fall 2016

    Hello! My boyfriend at the time (husband now :)) and I moved to Leesburg from Long Island, NY. Leesburg is one town over from Ashburn, where the campus is, so about 15-20 minutes away. We found roommates pretty easily through craigslist (we lived wit...
  11. Mindylane

    George Washington University ABSN - Fall 2016

    Hello! I graduated GWU's accelerated BSN program in May 2014. I'd be happy to answer any questions that you guys have! (I do this every semester :)) Just trying to spread my knowledge, as I jumped into this without knowing anything about the program,...
  12. Mindylane

    Admission Decision Help: GMU, GWU, & MU.

    Hey, thanks. Feel free to PM me with questions :)
  13. Mindylane

    What's your side job?

    Full-time in a NICU for the past 1.5 years. I continued to babysit until a few weeks ago, and now I'm started a job as a life care planner! Super excited
  14. Mindylane

    Is it possible to get the holidays off?

    My parents are Jewish, so Christmas is pretty meaningless to us. Thanksgiving is really the holiday I spend with my family, who live across the country. I had Thanksgiving & New Year's off last year but worked Christmas... this year, I had to wor...
  15. Mindylane

    2016 Salary thread

    1. Northern Virginia (considered "DC suburbs"). 2. NICU, BSN. Started as a new grad at $25 an hour. Have been working there since 7/2014 and now make $29 an hour, base. 3. Very high cost of living area -- the first place we lived in (with a roommat...