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About lorettat24

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  1. Warning Nurses! Holding It All In Can Kill You!

    Thank you for this article. I also want to respoind to 5yearsdissapointed and unforgetable2667. I am recently unemployed from a job I was in love with, thinking I was doing a great job. Nasty coworkers and HR that , well what ever they do can real...
  2. The Struggle: When A Nurse Diverts

    I am so happy for you. Life is so much bettert clean and sober. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  3. Roll call...status call...

    Thank you perserverance nurse. I am finished with ramp , also did physicians peer review for 1 year first. My clean date is 5/25/1999. I lost my last job in april due to downsizing. The last 3 jobs I had I was lucky all 3 interviewing RN's had eithe...
  4. The Struggle: When A Nurse Diverts

    Wow, what is really sad is nurses who have no concept that addiction is a disease. I am that recovering nurse(without a job) and I did all of those shocking things to get drugs that you write about. Do you think that is what I wanted for my life ca...