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  1. The Burn Unit Is Calling Me!

    Hi jdevales, I am a new grad nurse (originally from Southern California, went to school in Washington state) and I'd recommend trying to get into a burn unit during your senior practicum if at all possible. I did my senior preceptorship at a burn ICU...
  2. Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

  3. Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

    lol. I see you've kept the snowball analogy going!
  4. Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

    I got the rejection email this morning too. This is so disheartening
  5. Sharp New Grad Program Fall 2012/Winter 2013

    I'm curious if any non L&D applicants have heard back from Sharp yet?
  6. Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

    I've been avoiding the board because of my crazy anxiety but mine also only says "submission received". Coriander or ExPharmaGirl...anything different show up for your status?
  7. CHLA New Grad Program March 2013

    The packet was in my email this afternoon. Now to attack that letter of intent...
  8. Palomar RN New Grad Program

    Indeed. And on to the others we go
  9. CHLA New Grad Program March 2013

    Is the packet emailed? Haven't received it yet.
  10. Palomar RN New Grad Program

    in the puddle here, no magic email. Good luck to the snowballs who made it to an interview!
  11. CHLA New Grad Program March 2013

    Count me in. Its nice to have someone on the board who's already done a few of these and can tell the rest of us to calm down and wait :)
  12. Palomar RN New Grad Program

    Does this mean its still pretty much a snowball's chance in hell? lol.
  13. Palomar RN New Grad Program

    Not sure if I should be getting excited about this yet: " Your application has been reviewed and is being considered for our current openings." Any veteran applicants have insight?
  14. Palomar RN New Grad Program

    They had 3 SICU and 1 Burn ICU for a total of 4, and they had about 1600 applicants from what the recruiter told me. Is it just me or is that an outrageous # of applicants???
  15. Palomar RN New Grad Program

    Hi everyone, thanks for posting the extra info. The position was posted for internal candidates on Sept 5th (I saw it on the top of the posting), but even with 500 applicants, the odds sound better than the ones for UCSD. Good luck and thank goodness...