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  1. VA Palo Alto New Grad RN Program- Spring 2014

    My best guess is the NOR is just an indication that your application is complete and you are eligible to be reviewed for the job applied for. Best of luck to everybody!
  2. VA Palo Alto New Grad RN Program- Spring 2014

    When I interviewed for Palo Alto, the manager mentioned that they're only interviewing for about a week and offers are sent out at the end of the month with the program starting May 14. Not sure if this is the same for the rest of the units or locat...
  3. VA Palo Alto New Grad RN Program- Spring 2014

    Yeah, BSN
  4. VA Palo Alto New Grad RN Program- Spring 2014

    I interviewed for the med surg unit in Palo Alto. Had my interview today, hopefully I made a good impression. I think it was my first choice, don't exactly remember. Good luck to everyone else!
  5. VA Palo Alto New Grad RN Program- Spring 2014

    I just received an email from the assistant nurse manager to schedule an interview for next week. Didn't receive a phone call, just an email.
  6. Originally from CA but moved out of state to attend an accelerated BSN program out on the east coast. I will be graduating in August and my original plan was to take the NCLEX as soon as possible after graduation so 1) I can start job hunting asap i...
  7. RN program in AZ but want to take NCLEX in CA

    Hi kn_absn Been awhile since this was last updated but I was wondering if you had any updates on what you decided to do and how your experience was. I'm in a similar situation, studying in another state but my desire is to go back to CA for licensur...
  8. Hi everyone, Noticed this thread hasn't been updated in awhile but I hope that you can help me and update on your experiences kn_absn and RainCityNurse. I'm in a similar situation, getting my education/degree in another state but plan to move home b...
  9. Thanks for responding Silverdragon102 with that info. I've been looking around the forums and I've seen it mentioned that it is for california schools only. On the application, it mentions "california non grad" which I guess implies students that a...
  10. Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely get on it early. How long did it take to get your ATT after graduation and to sign up for NCLEX?
  11. MGH Accelerated BSN

    The schedule at MGH varies between semester to semester. The first semester, you spend a considerable amount of time on campus and in labs to get you familiar with clinical settings. They go through front loading for a few weeks before you start yo...
  12. I found a similar discussion topic but it was posted awhile back so I'm not sure how current that information is. So my question.... Is it possible to submit the Licensure by Examination Application to the California Board of Nursing prior to gradua...
  13. MGH Accelerated BSN - Spring 2013

    Hey Nina, I'm in the program currently (started summer 12') and the schedule isn't very typical of what regular college courses are like. Basically all the classes are chosen for you since there's only one new cohort of students at a time for the AB...
  14. MGH Accelerated BSN

    I was admitted to summer 2012 without credentials as extensive as yours so I'm sure you'll definitely get in. Just started class for the summer semester and so far it's been pretty challenging but a good learning experience. One of the plus sides i...
  15. Denver School of Nursing Process Information

    Did anyone apply to the OCT 1 deadline and hear back yet? I'm still waiting and getting a bit anxious everyday with no response.