Robyn_wants 2 B A RN

Robyn_wants 2 B A RN

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About Robyn_wants 2 B A RN

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  1. NCLEX-RN this morning, got the good pop-up...

  2. NCLEX-RN this morning, got the good pop-up...

    IT WORKS!!! IM a RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!:yeah::yeah: :redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:nurse:
  3. NCLEX-RN this morning, got the good pop-up...

    I did the PVT as soon as I was done... it made me relax slightly but I keep hoping that I'm not the one person it doesn't work for... I'm so scared!!! The test was a blur honestly, I don't remember a single question. I feel like I guessed through the...
  4. NCLEX-RN in 2 Days!!!!

    GOOD LUCK to you too!!! WE CAN DO IT!!
  5. NCLEX-RN in 2 Days!!!!

    Thank GUYS!!! MKLookRN that's whats happening to me, I just took a test and nothing made sense.. Im going to stop, relax and pray for the rest of the time!!!
  6. NCLEX-RN in 2 Days!!!!

    My test is Wednesday, I feel like Im not 100% ready but I've heard that you're never going to feel ready. I'm soooooo nervous and excited at the same time.. To everyone that prays on here, can you pray for me!!! I don't know if I should just relax n...
  7. July 2010 NCLEX Takers

    I'm taking mine on the 14th.. I'm really freaking out because I've been doing questions like a mad woman, and this morning I took a test and got a horrible grade. I hope I'm not burning myself out. Sleeping for me is pretty much non-existent.. I just...
  8. Kaplan qtrainer 7

    i'm a numbers person I can't help it, Im nervous and I was hoping someone thats taken nclex had a similar score so i could calm down a little.. thanks for your input! :)
  9. Extreme stress about NCLEX exam in a week!

    Im scheduled next week as well, AND I'm freaking out too!! I'm scoring between 52-68% on Kaplan and I have to pass.. I seriously don't know what I'm going to do if I don't pass.. Anyway GOOD LUCK to us all...
  10. Kaplan qtrainer 7

    Hey Guys, I just took the qtrainer 7 and got 60%... does anyone know what this means??? I thought i was ready to take the test until I got this and now I feel horrible.. My test is in a week, Do you think I should reschedule?? Any advice is EXTREME...
  11. SPIDERMAN must have saved me!

    Good Luck!!!:balloons:
  12. Prioritize questions on NCLEX are not on it anymore?

    to ahb2006, i havent taken nclex yet but when i'm doing those type of questions i usually picked the pt that is most acute, airway issues followed by MI.. again i havent taken nclex yet but its worked for practice question..
  13. 8 days until I test and I'm just ready to get it over with..

    Goodluck to both of you!!! i kinda want to change my date too, but my 7/14 are two of my lucky numbers so thats why I'm keeping it but I think I'm ready as I'm going to be!!!
  14. So I'm scheduled for July 14th and I'm just ready to take this thing and go from there.. Is this a good thing??.. I'm really losing my drive to study and do questions.. I know now is the time when I should be doing the most questions but I really jus...
  15. Kaplan scores??? need your input!!!!

    Ok so I've been using one of my classmates Kaplan online course and doing some questions and I don't think I've been doing all that great.. Seeing as though I didnt actually take the class I'm not sure what I should be getting on these test. It seems...