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About natparra

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  1. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    I called, and I didn't get in because of my TEAS scores, but it's okay, I'm not giving up. Will be reapplying in August.
  2. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    I didn't get anything in the mail today. Trying to stay positive, but it's becoming really hard to:arghh:
  3. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    I haven't received any letter yet either (good or bad) I'm hoping to have some news tonight when I get home from work.
  4. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    Wow! your a busy mommy, and 3.45 is more than an okay GPA! Hope we hear something tomorrow:geek:
  5. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    Same as above...Congrats to all who got in!! I didn't do very well on my TEAS (71%) but I do have all of my pre-req's and a 4.0 GPA not sure if that will help at all considering my low TEAS score. I am already studying to retake it, and reapply for s...
  6. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    Hopefully we will get something tomorrow. I wonder if rejection letters are sent out around the same time acceptance letters are. I just need to know, every minute feels like a million years:down:
  7. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    Swolfe, you're not alone, I didn't get a letter today either:(. If I may ask, where do you live? I live in Germantown so maybe that's why.
  8. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    Nope, nothing yet. UPS rang the door bell around the same time our mail man comes, and my heart skipped a beat; I almost killed my self running down the stairs to open the door:(.
  9. Montgomery College Fall 2014

    Okay... I just called and they said all letters will be going out NEXT WEEK!! FX it's the case, I just need to know so I can move on. Good luck to everyone
  10. Anyone familiar with Montgomery College Nursing program

    I am going to buy it then...I will get a book on general bio or science for that portion of the test. Yeah, Im applying by july 1st...Hopefully i will be accepted to the program. Thanks!
  11. Anyone familiar with Montgomery College Nursing program

    did you get the study guide they sell at the bookstore at MC...its like $50 bucks...was it helpful, and how close is it to the actual test. Thanks
  12. Anyone familiar with Montgomery College Nursing program

    I was wondering what was the best study guide material for the TEAS test is. Im confused with all the reviews on the different books and study guides. Also, was the test very hard, and did you finish EN 102, MA110, BI 203, 204, 205 before applying to...