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About mamayogibear

mamayogibear specializes in None yet.

I am and I exist. Some would call me crunchy but my kids call me mommy...

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  1. I did not know it was possible to get an 'over payment' of financial aid. The school I have gone to has an average cost of attendance and that is the maximum amount of financial aid. After tuition, books, supplies, transportation there is about $1200...
  2. So I might not get to start nursing school afterall...

    So it's a bit more complicated here. I went to the department of liscensing and explained what was going on but they could not get my cars out of my name unless I gave them the VIN and plate numbers which of course are on the paperwork that my ex has...
  3. So I might not get to start nursing school afterall...

    Yeah I had a momentary year long lapse of judgment where we got back together. All was well and he bought another car, he always uses some stupid line like he left his wallet at the place he bought the car or at a gas station so I have to 'just run i...
  4. So I have finally been accepted into a program that I can afford. But now I am faced with a issue about child care. While struggling to do my prereqs I worked part time and took out loans to pay daycare for my daughter. I do not qualify for state fun...
  5. Second Career Nurses

    Yay on becoming a CNA to work while doing pre-reqs. I think it is a lot more difficult than just taking classes like some people get to do but at least you will be spending time caring for people:)
  6. Dilemma! Should I change schools??

    If the only reason you would consider changing programs is because of the commute I would stay in the program that you are in. Also you should think about who ever was on the alternate list that did not get in because you took that spot. It would be ...
  7. Second Career Nurses

    Hey Spore, thanks for asking:) I hope to someday be a midwife at a free standing birth center. Or a family nurse practitioner and work in conjunction with a chiro or naturopath. But I also want to work in an ER or ICU for a few years once becoming an...
  8. What is your "NS new year's resolution"?

    I'm really tired right now but I thought you said you were going to stop saying the word 'gravy' they don't even look or sound the same but I was rotfl after reading that:)
  9. Second Career Nurses

    Does being a bartender count as a real career? Before that I was a waitress and both jobs raked in the tips and most nights were lots of fun! But after becoming a mom I decided something was lacking from my profession. In my original college days as...
  10. How long did it take you to get into a program?

    I took classes on campus for a year doing prereqs for the community college then they switched to a random lottery instead of a point based/grade based system so I went for another year doing pre-reqs for the university here. Then I took time off to ...
  11. Loans in Community College

    Sweetie I hate to break it to you but you will not be brining home $1800 a month even if you got the maximum student loans! Perhaps it's time to take a look at your budget and become more frugal. I am a single mom and have to work as a CNA while in ...
  12. As a single mom to two kids who worked while completing pre-reqs and maintained a 4.0 gpa, I do not like your argument that grades are not an accurate predictor. True someone may earn all A's but not be compassionate and comprehend caring theory but ...
  13. ASU at Mayo

    Hello, I was looking at the Arizona State BSN programs and noticed there is an accelerated program starting next fall that is held at the Mayo Clinic. Is anyone on here a student in this program? Has anyone applied and not gotten in? Is it at the May...
  14. question about retaining infomation from pre-reqs.....

    I completed all my prereqs almost two years ago! I had to take time off for my family but am finally starting nursing school this fall! I feel like I have forgotten a lot of the important things from A&P, micro and biochem but am not going to str...
  15. Oh yeah and... Also I hear good things about meal planning. Like cook a few days worth of meals over the weekend and freeze it so if you want to spend time studying instead of cooking just toss in the oven or crockpot to reheat. Or maybe if your luck...