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  1. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    Go talk to ---- in Advising. He can help you out.
  2. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    This is at least my understanding after talking to financial aid. I e-mailed our contact in nursing and she said she didn't know, and that I needed to talk to financial aid. Financial aid says it is 3/4 time so if you selected full time on your finan...
  3. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    Thanks! I hope you enjoy your summer before the madness starts. I am trying not to think about it.:)
  4. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    When you click on the Financial Aid tab, under the list of requirements, do you see Student Information form 1112 (it might even show a green check mark showing it is complete even if you haven't done it yet - that's what mine showed)? You can click...
  5. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    Have you checked your mychemeketa financial aid page? There is a form you have to submit online indicating your enrollment status. Sometimes there are other forms that need to be completed in order to get the process moving along. I had 3 items th...
  6. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    I am keeping my part-time job of 10- 15 hrs a week.
  7. Applicants to Portland area schools 2011

    Anyone know of anyone not taking their spot at Chemeketa?
  8. PCC Wait List

    If it helps, I just mailed my letter saying I will NOT be accepting my PCC spot. That should bump you all up one :)
  9. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    I picked Chemeketa, too. It was hard not to after comparing the cost and distance. See you in September!
  10. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    Hi Art - did you end up choosing Chemeketa or OHSU?
  11. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    #9. I am crossing my fingers you both get in!
  12. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    I got into Chemeketa, also!!! Wahoo. If you hear of anyone not accepting, please post. My friend is on the waitlist and we are anxious to hear of people not taking their position.
  13. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news. No letter from Chemeketa today....
  14. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    Art - I can't keep track.....did you get into OHSU?
  15. Chemeketa Community College Applicants 2011

    Chemeketa's Dean of Nursing says letters to be mailed next week....