Paed Ortho, PICU, CTICU, Paeds Retrieval

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UK2USA specializes in Paed Ortho, PICU, CTICU, Paeds Retrieval.

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  1. Surveillance Swabs

    We swab nasopharynx on admission and again every 30 days for every patient. In a previous hospital we swabbed nose, throat and collected a stool sample for every patient.
  2. CCRN-Pediatrics

    I have just bought the practice tests from this site - 2 sets of 5 tests at a total cost of $100. To be honest I found way too many questions that should not be included in the Peds CCRN: Medication dosing questions where peds dosing is not approved....
  3. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Very interesting - thanks for the article.
  4. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    And now a true story. On our unit we were caring for a pt who was in heart failure. He was so skinny, but had this bloated belly. He was a DNR case and was fully aware that he was going to die. One evening he started to go downhill very fast and was ...
  5. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Not a ghost story (maybe an urban myth), but scary all the same: A group of 4 nursing students were on their last day of a clinical placement and were very happy to be finishing. They decided that they would go out after their shift had finished to c...
  6. Guidelines for obtaining a Credit Score in the US

    My fiancee had terrible trouble establishing some credit history in the USA.... she received knock back after knock back.... each time damaging her already shaky score. Then someone gave us a really great idea: Talk to your bank manager about a secur...
  7. clueless

    I came from the UK to the USA about 3 years ago.... at that time there seemed to be little difference between any of the international agencies. Most seemed to be paying between $20 - $28 per hour for an 18 month contract depending on the geographica...
  8. uk television

    No I think it is the one with the guy from the Office and what-his-name that used to be in Corrie.... you know the guy with the waterbed!!! Helpful aren't I? I really miss the soaps.... and like madwife I miss the news. I will be back in the uk ne...
  9. Patients die when turned on left side??

    I too have heard this for many years... except I was told that a LSDR (left sided death roll) is to do with pressure on a dying left ventricle. Supposedly this slight increase in the pressure of the systemic 'pump' can push the heart into final arres...
  10. Pediatric PICC lines

    Hi all, I am looking for some info regarding common practice with Peds PICC lines. We are in the process of writing a practice guideline for heplocking a PICC. Q1. Do you heplock a 1.9/ 3 Fr PICC in your hospital? Or do you maintain a KVO? Q2. If yo...
  11. You are absolutely right to have been concerned about starting this drip. I was trained in a unit where NO pressors are run through a peripheral line... and one look at a nasty infiltrate will explain why (see examples here). However since I moved to...
  12. Protocol Help Needed

    Hi all, I am originally from the UK and moved to the USA 2 years ago... I am now helping to review all of our policies and procedures... it is fast becoming clear that a lot of the policies are outdated and established through tradition rather than r...
  13. Central Line Care

    Hi all, On my unit I am helping to review all of our policies and procedures... it is fast becoming clear that a lot of the policies are outdated and established through tradition rather than research. I am looking for any help with central line prot...
  14. Central Line Care

    Hi all, On my unit I am helping to review all of our policies and procedures... it is fast becoming clear that a lot of the policies are outdated and established through tradition rather than research. I am looking for any help with central line prot...
  15. Central Venous Lines

    Hi all, On my unit I am helping to review all of our policies and procedures... it is fast becoming clear that a lot of the policies are outdated and established through tradition rather than research. I am looking for any help with central line prot...