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About Kash80

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  1. Montgomery College- Fall 2010

    How do you like the program so far OI812? Which hospital did you do your clinical at?
  2. Montgomery College- Fall 2010

    Thanks for the info!
  3. Montgomery College Maryland Nursing Admissions

    Yes, I got admitted. There should be a letter you need to send back to the admissions dept stating wheather or not you accept admission for the fall.
  4. Montgomery College- Fall 2010

    Just got my acceptance letter in the mail!!
  5. Montgomery College- Fall 2010

    Yeah I think you should probably get in. I have everything done too, except Microbiology and am currently in Anatomy II (so that will not count). But I have completed the psych, sociology..ect so I am hoping that may give me some type of advantage....
  6. Montgomery College- Fall 2010

    I got an 85 on the TEAS. How far are you into the prerequisites? Looks like you are ahead of me in the picking order based on the TEAS score..lol..
  7. Montgomery College- Fall 2010

    I gave them a call last week and they said they are going to be sending them at the end of May beginning of June:uhoh3: What did you get on the TEAS?
  8. Montgomery College Maryland Nursing Admissions

    I did everything except Anatomy II, I am currently taking that class. Did the admissions person say when they normally start announcing who has been accepted? April, May?
  9. Montgomery College Maryland Nursing Admissions

    I scored a 72
  10. Montgomery College Maryland Nursing Admissions

    Yes, I have taken the TEAS test. What was your overall score?
  11. Montgomery College Maryland Nursing Admissions

    Yes, I have already applied to the program for Takoma Park for Fall 2010...are you applying or in the program?
  12. Hello All, Does anyone know if there are quotas for men in the Montgomery College MD Nursing program?