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About Michaelxy

Michaelxy specializes in EMT-P.

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  1. positive BAC

    Women in general have less of the enzyme needed to break down alcohol (Alcohol dehydrogenase). Aside from that one must wonder the high BAC after 12 hours. I would have to ask if your daughter drinks on a frequent basis as a high BAC may indicate a s...
  2. dosage calculation class

    Learn how to use dimensional analysis. Medication Math for the Nursing Student
  3. Any point in fighting NA requirement?

    I wrote this paper awhile back, perhaps it may help some. Please be gentle if you don't like what I write. My Quest, In Search of my Higher Power By Michael As I start this arduous journey into a long since forgotten place ca...
  4. How long did it take you to get caught?

    I am sorry to muddy the waters and detract from your otherwise good post, but this has yet to be proven. If it had then an addict would not be viewed as they are currently viewed. ie. "I just been diagnosed with cancer" "OMG, I am so sorry" v.s. "I a...
  5. Advice on how to beat procrastination.

    I have some thoughts on this topic, but will get back to you later... :)
  6. MATH and trying to learn it

    I would suggest that you go to your local community college, have your math level accessed and enroll in an appropriate math course based on your test results. Sure, you might have to take a remedial math class or two but I think math is an essential...
  7. So you have no problem working on a human, but have a problem with a cat? Is that what you are saying? Have you ever seen a human cadaver? Think night of the living dead, what I would have given to just work on a cat. It creeped me out like nothing e...
  8. What to do about work versus pre-req's?

    There is always the option of online classes, not sure about chemistry since they always require the useless lab. Perhaps some online have a home lab you can do as well. If you search hard enough, I am sure you can find one somewhere. Might not be ch...
  9. Finding a new sponsor

    Of course you are right, it is a very important topic and paramount in the healing process. I say healing because addiction is an illness that produces a wound deep inside and it begins to fester and contaminate our being. Only through the healing pr...
  10. Finding a new sponsor

    Oops, I just noticed that this thread is about a year old...
  11. Finding a new sponsor

    First your sponsor should be same gender as you, second they should have much more than 16 mo. sobriety. There are many meetings taking place (If your in big city) so look around for a meeting that you feel comfortable with. Nothing wrong with an AA ...
  12. Math Anxiety Advice

    Math anxiety is the result of a weak math background for whatever reason. It is unfortunate that this most fundamental and important aspect of ones knowledge base is overlooked until college years. Be that as it may, the college instructor is left wi...
  13. Math Anxiety Advice

    Do you mean dimensional analysis? Agreed, this is a very good method.
  14. Any current/past Napa or Solano student?

    I use to live in Fairfield and went to S there :) Never went to college there though but thought I would say hi, anyways.. :)
  15. Flashcard suggestions for A&P class

    My professor gave Essay type questions only, so flash cards were of little use. I found that teaching someone else what I was learning helped me the most.