
pedicurn LPN, RN

CVICU, Obs/Gyn, Derm, NICU

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About pedicurn

pedicurn is a LPN, RN and specializes in CVICU, Obs/Gyn, Derm, NICU.

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  1. Nurses, perception difference and education

    Quite frankly disagree. The nurse educator I work with has a lot of education and a high level of intelligence. Her perception is often of more value than mine. That is because she is very smart and has a couple of good quality nursing degrees. She d...
  2. Nurses, perception difference and education

    I've been busy away from here. Have come back, read the posts and wish to state: - I admit it was a poor example. I mentioned that. - However the original topic ' Nurses,perception difference and education' is a valid topic and people needn't get so ...
  3. This nurse's life is made so much harder by the selfish behaviour of the daughters. Irregardless of wanting a social life or not .... both of them should be pulling their weight and doing all the household work plus doing their share of caregiving. P...
  4. Not wishing to judge at all ... just making an observation here Some families seem to pool financial resources and this helps make the multi-generational household work eg Italian, Lebanese,Greek, Croatian people where I live will buy a home together...
  5. One could argue it does depend on what kind of parent they were As some parents don't care too much about their children when they are growing up ..... those kids might have to be saints to want to care for their elder parents. Often I've had to call...
  6. Agree In Sydney we see more of certain cultural groups in nursing homes and less of others. We see more Lebanese, Greek, Italian, Croatian caring for their elders at home and way fewer ethnically UK Euros caregiving at home. Though when I was a growi...
  7. Nurses, perception difference and education

    All well and good. And yes they often do finally start to take action when they are at their lowest point. However I would add - many of them don't have much to live for at this stage with health, family, money, job, friends all gone. If they have be...
  8. Nurses, perception difference and education

  9. Nurses, perception difference and education

    Similar playing field .... just like doctors, engineers etc. I fail to see the issue with that. Works well for the others Nothing wrong with more nurses attaining some basic generic professional skill as well as their professional nursing skill. You ...
  10. Nurses, perception difference and education

    Not at all As long as their perception originates from the same playing field
  11. Nurses, perception difference and education

    Yes you are quite correct ... agree Intellect is a big part of it. Perception relates to intellect The nurses with the broader perception I am advocating for have good intellect. Without intellect and related broader perception we cannot be real prof...
  12. Nurses, perception difference and education

    Agree However that was not what I was referring to. My initial post was about differences of perception due to nurse educational differences and was making the argument that a variation of generic professional skill (relating specifically to how we h...
  13. Nurses, perception difference and education

    Actually no - many of our p'ts like this do manage to take their meds a lot of the time. We are not going to be able to fix many of them. But what we can do is try to maintain their delicate balance to keep them functioning and out of the hospital. ...
  14. Nurses, perception difference and education

    Perhaps I should have chosen a better example. My point seems to be lost along the way I was asserting that perception difference is broad in nursing and this causes us difficulty. Life as a nurse would be easier if we were on the same page and unify...