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  1. Why do I let them get under my skin?!

    Thanks again everyone for the replies. So, another incident happened yesterday involving the same type of thing! But, I had learned from my previous experience, and this one ended up so much better :) The pt in this case left a happy customer, and...
  2. Why do I let them get under my skin?!

    yup, I've seen that to be true. I'm glad they have a "patient complaint" committee, but no "Back up our nurses" committee:mad:
  3. Why do I let them get under my skin?!

    I think that if this patient had been in the main ed, around everyone, they would have either a)called security to remove her from the ed, or b)ended up giving her b52 after they told her she needed to watch her mouth or leave. :) Unfortunately, alth...
  4. Why do I let them get under my skin?!

    Thanks for your reply!!! Your advice is spot on..although in our ER there is no "losing rapport" to change patients :) My charge nurse is great, but she was extremely busy and couldn't really take over the patient for me, nor did I really want her to...
  5. Why do I let them get under my skin?!

    To answer the first questions, yes, yes, and yes!!!! I notified the charge nurse after the second round of screaming, and the doc was onboard the entire time. And, the problem is that I do waste my breath! I'm working on not letting people treat m...
  6. Hello all, Hope everyone made it though this Monday relatively unscathed! I've been working in the ER for the past 3 years, mostly in our fast track area. For the amount of people that I've seen over the years, why is it that one particular patien...
  7. Opthamology-ASC-Anyone else?

    Hey everyone, It's interesting to see your roles in Ophthalmology! I've been working in an ER the past few years, and am ready for a change. I have an interview for a RN position in Ophthalmology..I guess it's a clinic/outpatient setting but the job...
  8. "New grad-itis"...

    Ugh, I almost WISH I had the problem of being a "know it all" I just started working in the ER, and I am a fairly new nurse, (less than two years of experience with 3 different jobs thanks to hurricane katrina). I've been on orientation 3 d...
  9. I start home health Thursday!!!

    Wow, I really need to check back here more often! I missed out on 2 whole pages of messages!! So, I've been doing homehealth for about 2-3 months now, and I am liking it so far. I can tell the company I work for does have some problems, but as far a...
  10. I start home health Thursday!!!

    Hey! How was the ride along? The new job is going pretty well; I'm definitely liking it a lot better than my old hospital job! I'm still figuring out all the paper work mess, but it is getting easier. The only "Bad" thing is that another company th...
  11. I start home health Thursday!!!

    wow, $84k sounds nice!!! i'm actually taking a pay cut as of now....i'm getting paid hourly until i am able to take on a "full load" of pts, then i will be paid per pt. my company's health insurance is way to expensive for my whole family, so i am h...
  12. I start home health Thursday!!!

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!! So far I've just been doing paperwork, although Friday they sent me to this community center to do blood pressures on some folk after their morning bingo. It was actually so much fun!!!!!! This week I'll be traveling to their m...
  13. I start home health Thursday!!!

    I really started HATING my job. I always felt that I was putting my license on the line, considering that our staffing was HORRIBLE. I was always the only RN on a mixed peds/surg/ortho floor, and while I loved the lpn that I worked with, it was jus...
  14. I start home health Thursday!!!

    Hey, thanks! It will be visits, largely a geriatric population but some acute post op bandage changes, etc, from what I've gathered :) I'll be paid per visit, which I'm hoping will work out because I'm used to a regular pay check!!! I really hope I ...
  15. I start home health Thursday!!!

    Hey everyone! Well, I finally did it, I put in my 2 weeks notice at my current job, and I start my new home health job this Thursday!! I'm terribly excited and nervous, but I don't think it can be any worse than my job now!!!!! Anyway, just wanted t...