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About Andrew12

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  1. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    OMGITSMARI... Looks like it's a no go for me (just got me rejection e-mail). Maybe RN just isn't for me. Same old story... Good luck to you.!!
  2. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    apprantly the nursing dept. doesn't even know. I asked and they said it would be an e-mail. Now i'm hearing (from this thread) that people are getting letters??? I'm just hoping to get something!!
  3. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    I would say do what is convienient. Another thing to consider is the schools pass/fail rate (which you can call each school and ask, they should have no problem giving you that information) It compeltely up to you but either way, congrats, can't wait...
  4. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    That's not true because I applied to the Radiology program as well and they already got back to me like a month ago. Although, they probably don't receive as many applications as the nursing program does.
  5. Thank you Mrs. O

    I enjoyed reading your story. I'm glad that even though you were put on the low road, you made it to the high road, less traffic. You have been bless with an inspirational person in your life, and you recognize that. Thanks for sharing your story.
  6. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    UGH.. they have got to be the slowest school in regards to notification of acceptance. Why not just accept everyone and get it over with. Who's with me??
  7. Los Angeles Harbor City College-RN

    I've taken med term. It's really not that difficult. Just a lot of memorization. It's easy to implement on you start actually using it.
  8. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    Hopefully is right. Of course they have to make a freaking decision first..
  9. acceptance letter for elcamino college fall2009

    Actually I just finished that class in the FALL at El Co. I was going to apply at Compton but I already had about 4-5 different apps out for different programs and different schools, I just didn't make it in time. How is the program? Which hospitals...
  10. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    That is a very good point. Some student will no longer want to wait and they will go ahead and go to another school they applied to. More open spaces. So basically what it boils down to is.... WERE ALL GETTING ACCEPTED!!! :):):)
  11. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    You've still got time. I'm not sure they are basing all enrollment on GPA alone. If you do well in you pre-reqs (especially your English A cause they look highly at this grace) then you have a chance. My GPA is something like 2.8, but I've got an A i...
  12. acceptance letter for elcamino college fall2009

    Ok, so I met with the Program Director this morning and although she was very nice and understanding, I'm still going to have to reapply next semester. Rightfully so, I should have replied to the TEAS invite even if I was under the impression I was g...
  13. Pasadena City College RN FALL 2010??

    Just spoke with someone from the Nursing Dept. today. They said they haven't yet started sending out acceptance/denial letters yet. So I guess we have to continue to check out e-mail. Keep me updated and I'll do that same. --Andrew
  14. Has anyone recieved an acceptance letter from Pasadena yet. They said it would be 10 weeks after the application period closed. Well it's closed and it's been 10 weeks. Whats the word???
  15. Pasadena City college OR East Los Angeles college?

    Has anyone hear from Pasadena City College for FALL 2010 acceptance? I'm still waiting..... and waiting... and waiting..........