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About Chris189

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  1. Penn Medicine

    Thanks for the other recommendations. She'll likely be going to Villanova for her MPA(Masters in Public Administration). We figured she would have a better job market closer to a larger city, with a degree such as that.
  2. Penn Medicine

    Yeah. I was trying to finish my BSN before moving anywhere, but like I said my fiance is likely going to graduate school at Villanova. I looked at Jefferson and Einstein, but a lot of their listings say "BSN required" as well. I know that isn't alway...
  3. Penn Medicine

    Hello. I'm a long time follower here, but I don't post much. Anyways, I'm in need of a little assistance. Next year it is very likely that my fiance and I will be moving to Pennsylvania, very close to Philadelphia. I would really like to work at Penn...
  4. Recommend me good CONTENT review books

    Thanks for the replies. I take the HESI Exam in a couple of weeks. Then I can see where my weak areas are and focus on them. I dont do very well with just reading text. I prefer to talk it out with others. Maybe I will just review problems areas iden...
  5. Recommend me good CONTENT review books

    What are some good books for strictly content? I won the Saunders Comprehensive Review at a job fair, but the 1000 pages of text is a little daunting. I feel like its almost too much information,and I wouldn't really benefit much for reading it cover...
  6. Kaplan Courses

    Im thinking about taking one of the Kaplan NCLEX review courses in June before I take my boards. My questions are: 1. If you took the course and have taken your boards, how well do you think it prepared you? 2. Do you think the "in classroom" or "cla...
  7. Failed a Med Pass Today

    Everything was going fine. I was passing PO's, hanging IVPB's, etc. Around 10am I passed some PO's to a woman. No problems. I then hungg an IVPB with my instructor in a another room. As im documenting for the IVPB I remembered I had to sign for the P...
  8. Ineffective protection

    Ineffective protection from bleeding. She is on heparin until her coumadin is up to therapeutic range and then she will be sent home. My instructors are very picky about time frames. If you dont have it for everyone you can consider it wrong. I looke...
  9. Ineffective protection

    Sorry if that was a little vague. By "do" I mean independent nursing actions.
  10. Ineffective protection

    Im working on my care plan and I need a little guidance. I have a pt who came in with a DVT and is on heparin and coumadin therapy. First, does my diagnosis sound alright? Ineffective Protection r/t abnormal blood profiles secondary to anti-coagulati...
  11. Blood Glucose

    What would a MD order if someone had a BG above 400?
  12. Collaborative Care

    It is there but very incomplete. any resources online i could use?
  13. Collaborative Care

    If someone were to come in with a MI, what would would you expect the doctor to do(order labs, etc.), and what would you expect the nurse to do(start IV, O2, etc.)? I need to list what would happen in this scenario and I cant find anything in my book...
  14. Scientific Rationale

    Im having trouble with my rationale. I worked with a 94 yo female in a long term facility last week. I got my care plan back and the only thing she didnt like was my rationale for "assess BP q shift". Heres my data: 94 yo Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis ...
  15. Dependant Nursing Action

    Just realized I spelled "independent" wrong. oh well. Any help would be greatly appreciated!