
One1 BSN, RN

Emergency, Pre-Op, PACU, OR

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About One1

One1 has 3 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Emergency, Pre-Op, PACU, OR.

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  1. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    That is just adding insult to injury.
  2. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Congratulations, perfexion!!
  3. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    At least it looks like they are issuing temporary licenses again. I applied for one as well but they just kept my money and never sent me one.
  4. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Could be, I don't think it makes much difference when you send the transcripts. I was told it takes 1-2 weeks from the date the check was cashed (at minimum) before anybody actually looks at the application, so that would allow enough time to request...
  5. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Yay, I finally received my license number!! Short timeline: I applied 07/03/14 and did live scan fingerprints & nursesys that day. Transcripts were sent out 07/08/14 directly from the school. Cash was checked 08/01/14, my application popped up o...
  6. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    I think this is what bothers me the most about the whole thing. We are not applying for an ATT number so we can take the NCLEX. We are licensed nurses coming from other States in the U.S. I find it ridiculous that we even have to show transcripts of ...
  7. Easier to get hired as RN or specialized NP?

    You're welcome, good luck on your path!
  8. Easier to get hired as RN or specialized NP?

    The beauty of the nursing world is that (in theory) you can work in any area you like, or change from one area to another as you grow as an RN. Nowadays, pretty much every nurse is a "general" nurse fresh out of school. You specialize (maybe for the ...
  9. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Perfexion, did the lady you talk to actually look up your application in the computer with your application number? Did she explain a bit more about what number you would have been able to call and receive a license the same day?! (If so, I'll grab m...
  10. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    No, I don't think it makes sense to even apply for a position without a CA license. I cannot be hired until I have one, even if I do currently hold a license in another State. With how slow the CA BON is, I doubt that prospective employers will hold ...
  11. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Turned my application in the beginning of July even and no change in my "pending" status as of today. It is very frustrating.
  12. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    It's the worst when you get 2 people from the same company telling you opposite info.. I called my college first and they sent me to getmytranscripts. When I called gmt, the guy on the phone told me about the form upload options and said that the op...
  13. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    I used that website. I printed out the transcript request form from the CA BON, filled my part out (I think it is the top part), and then scanned it to my computer as a pdf. On the getmytranscripts website is an option to upload forms, and during you...
  14. How would you handle this?

    I have seen ER techs hang around a department way too long, and way past the point where "respected experience" turned into "acting outside the scope of practice". I would not expect much success from talking to management, but I would tell the tech ...
  15. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    No, still waiting.