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About NurseJessi

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  1. FOR COT CLASS 10-03 - last minute unsolicited advice

    Captain Marlow!!!!! He was the best! His salute was the best, too. I loved the history lecture days, but we got all 6 hours of it in one day... in a row. NOT fun. People, this is all really good info. And I mean really good. If I think of other stuff...
  2. Graduated cot on friday!!!

    I don't know much about the hospital, but I know the area around it has tons of great restaurants and is really close to the best mall in all of Phoenix (in my opinion, if I remember correctly!) I'm glad for the restaurants since we'll be getting per...
  3. Graduated cot on friday!!!

    Oh wow, guys, I am an idiot. That thread I was talking abou that CarolinaPooh wrote is THIS VERY thread. My excuse is jet lag... Take it or leave it.
  4. Graduated cot on friday!!!

    Hey everyone, I haven't been on for a while because I've been out of the country, but I wanted to leave the door open for y'all to pick my brain about COT and NTP (I'm NTP'ing in Scottsdale but that doesn't mean I couldn't answer more general questi...
  5. USAF COT 10-04

    I'll be happy to answer any questions you guys have about COT and NTP in Scottsdale. I leave for COT on Monday so when I'm finally back on allnurses, don't hesitate to ask in a thread or PM me! I know how much good information I got from people like ...
  6. COT/Stationing Assignments from November Boards!!!!

    Thanks everyone! I did indeed get commissioned today! It was pretty special... since I currently work as the school nurse at my old high school, which has an Air Force JROTC program, I got to be commissioned in front of the class of JROTC leaders, by...
  7. COT/Stationing Assignments from November Boards!!!!

    Kristina, you should start another thread to get answers to your question, especially because this particular thread is very specifically Air-Force oriented... none of us are going to know about anything Army related. Good Luck!
  8. COT/Stationing Assignments from November Boards!!!!

    I'd love that, Jennifer! (Haha, it's cool knowing what you look like from the fbook page!) I don't know when Jodi and I will get there - I'm assuming the 10th? - but a "last meal" would be great! We'll see what we can arrange as the time gets closer ...
  9. Graduated cot on friday!!!

    Did you talk to your recruiter about wanting to get stationed together? We definitely made it known that we wanted to be stationed together if possible. We had some mention of a "buddy system" on our applications, too. I'm actually amazed, though, th...
  10. Graduated cot on friday!!!

    I found out on Friday that I'm going to COT in January, and I was stationed at Travis. NTP will be in Scottsdale, AZ. My really good friend from nursing school who is joining the AF with me got exactly the same assignments. It really could not have w...
  11. Hey everyone! When you find out when you're going to COT and where you get stationed, let everyone know! I just found out today! I'm going to COT in January, and got stationed at Travis, which was my second choice! I'll also be doing NTP in Scottsd...
  12. COT class 10-02

    Wahoo! I'm going to COT in January! And I'm stationed at Travis, my second choice!! I can't believe it! Very excited!
  13. Air Force November Board Results

    Yay, congrats everyone! I'm in too!
  14. Air Force Board Results

    I got in too! But no information other than "Congratulations, Jessica! .You have been selected to become a nurse in the United States Air Force"... which is still awesome to hear! I think I've played back the message my recruiter left me about 4 time...
  15. Joining the Air Force with Hypothyroidism

    This is from the Military Medical Standards they use: The disqualifying medical conditions are listed below. The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard. The causes for rejection for appoi...