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  1. Howard University...PLEASE HELP!!

    Hi Jessica, Congratulations on your acceptance! I recently was told by some of the other students that they changed the requirements for the program and some of the nursing classes, so I'm not exactly sure if we would be following the same scheme. I ...
  2. Howard University...PLEASE HELP!!

    Yes I am a current nursing student at HU and amongst all the protest and negative media reportings, it is evident that the Divison of Nursing is working to improve their students test scores in order to bring forth better prepared nurses. Never base...
  3. For Current Anne Arundel CC Nursing Students

    Why do so many people think that you are supposed to wear white undergarments under a white uniform?? NO, please it is nude or black undergarments. Its very tacky to see a white bra and panties under your clean crisp white uniform. Don't believe me...
  4. Any Arundel Comm. College Students here?

    Can anyone tell me if aacc nursing's program requires the TEAS or NET exam and if so at what point do you take the exam?
  5. It seems as though every nursing student I run into had about a 3.5 gpa and above in the prereqs before entering nursing school yet every now and then I meet someone who is applying to nursing school with on a 2.5-2.7 gpa. I always want to ask them ...