Orange Tree

Orange Tree

Medical Surgical Orthopedic

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About Orange Tree

Orange Tree specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.

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  1. Demanding patient wanting me to page MD about insignificant issue.

    I would lie and tell him I called and was waiting for a call back. I'd also tell him that the doctor was probably already asleep and that we probably wouldn't hear back until the morning.
  2. First Paycheck!

    My first few checks went to getting my head above the water, but today, I just got back from one mall and I'm about to go to another. Congratulations on your first paycheck! :) Keep living like you make $8 an hour and you will keep feeling "rich".
  3. 4 Los Angeles hospitals closing.

    The patients have to go somewhere, and they will need nurses wherever they end up. I know our HR has hired some of them, but they haven't gone through orientation or made it to the floor yet, so I haven't met them.
  4. Dreaming About Work

    At least your dreams are exciting, I just dream about IVs beeping.
  5. Disappointed with my nurse last night

    It sounds like she found herself in a very awkward position and did her best to lighten the mood. Maybe she should have taped your husband's mouth shut, instead. The swabbing should have been done, of course, but the being "just kinda all over the p...
  6. Has this ever happened to you?

    I just laughed so much that my cat got scared.
  7. Respecting patient's wishes or Neglecting patient's care?

    That sounds like a good role for the family to take on. Encouraging people to eat is not something I normally have the time to do. I'm lucky if I'm not close to passing out from skipping meals, myself.
  8. Unsanitary practice?

    We weren't allowed to wash our hands in patients' sinks on my last med/surg unit.
  9. Could someone of average IQ become an ADN nurse?

    "If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it."
  10. I got my first job!!! But I am worried...

    That is way too low. What makes it even more horrible is that you have to sign a contract for years! The new grads I work with make $30 + OT after 8 hours (for a 12 hour shift). It's in acute care, but that's still a huge difference.
  11. cna caught in the middle

    The nurse's instructions should come first, but if there is a "charge" CNA, the nurse needs to notify that person of her plans, as well.
  12. Training a new RN

    I'm not convinced this is an LVN/RN problem, but there is definitely a problem. Aggressive and dangerous is a very bad combination.
  13. Ethical Dilemma

    If he wanted to get food himself or ask his family to bring it for him, I would document teaching, but not attempt to stop him. I wouldn't involve myself by hand-delivering a cheeseburger, though.
  14. New nurse, forgetting what I learned in school

    I have no problem opening a med/surg book right at work when I need to. And for some things, google works well too.
  15. Worst orientation luck ever!

    Sounds like you should be wearing a helmet. You're dangerous. Maybe your patients should be wearing helmets, too.