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  1. Frontier CNM students

    Hi Emily! I just graduated nursing school in Dec and am working on a postpartum unit right now with hopes to move over to l&d asap and apply for the bridge program at Frontier as soon as I have my one year experience in. I can't wait! So I have ...
  2. comfort measures for med-free labor

    Yes! I was just going to suggest The Birth Partner! I would also say that you could go through a birth doula training workshop to learn more and practice some techniques hands-on. Mine was a 3day training and cost around $350, but I'm sure that varie...
  3. I'll graduate with my RN in December, have to work for a year, and then plan on applying for Frontier's bridge program to become a CNM.
  4. I am so looking forward to going on to grad school! By the time I'm able to though, my kids will be 3, 6 and 8. That means two will be in school but the youngest will still be home. My husband is incredibly supportive and an amazing father, and my mo...
  5. Online CNM courses?

    Here's a list of all the top ranking CNM programs (although you'll have to do some research to find out which have distance learning): I live ...
  6. What to expect in Good Samaritan RN Program?

    I got your message Lilyanni. I went in for registration and signed up for BIO2, CHEM1 and 1st Semester Experience. I still don't know if I'll be able to take the NUR100 classes this semester though because apparently there are only 10 openings and ma...
  7. Cincy area non online RN to BSN programs?

    Hi Tim, you could check out Northern KY University... right across the river in Highland Heights. I know they offer an RN to BSN program and I don't *think* it's online, but not totally sure. Something to look into maybe. Good luck!
  8. What to expect in Good Samaritan RN Program?

    No need to be snarky. I'm sure Lilyanni has done a fair amount of research on the school itself, as have I. In fact, what I read about the dress code was part of the college's handbook, the wording was just a bit confusing. There's only so much you c...
  9. What to expect in Good Samaritan RN Program?

    Well, I'm not totally sure - I think I'll be registering for classes in October so I'll know more then. I have taken some of the general classes already but since we have to take at least 12 (I think) hours of general courses at Good Sam I will be ta...
  10. What to expect in Good Samaritan RN Program?

    Hi Lilyanni, I'm sorry I don't have any info but I'll be starting there in January. Are you going this fall or in '10? Hopefully this will bump the message up and get some good responses! :)
  11. Yes, I did in fact get in for Jan '10. I'm not sure if there is an actual "waiting list" but I'm starting about a year after sending in my application. Hope that helps. Good luck!
  12. I hadn't heard anything after sending in my fee so I called today and they said that it would still be a while before anything was sent out. They were still working on the Aug '09 admissions which I missed the deadline for. So like chigrl82 I'm hopin...
  13. Thinking of moving to Kentucky

    I'm in Northern KY which gives the possibility of working at one of the KY Hospitals (St Luke East, St Luke West, St Elizabeth North, St Elizabeth South) or you can go right across the river into Cincinnati, OH and there are a ton of hospitals to cho...
  14. Just wanted to update in case anyone was curious about the answer (plus I'm excited! :wink2:) ... I got my acceptance letter to Good Sam this week! Yay! So I'm guessing they must review applications as they're recieved. That or I just so happened to ...
  15. Does anyone know if Good Sam's School of Nursing has a specific time when applications are reviewed? I know that Christ starts reviewing thiers in Jan and sends out acceptance letters in March, but I can't find anything about Good Sam. I've applied t...