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About jrinct

jrinct has 3 years experience.

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  1. WHY do I need a BSN?

    I'm an RN with an ADN and a non-nursing bachelor's degree from my first time through college. The non-nursing bachelor's counts for zip in my hospital's clinical ladder. As RNs, we all have the same license -- but we take many different educational p...
  2. Career Change PLEASE!

    Check their websites. All the big ones (Aetna, Wellpoint, Anthem, etc.) list open positions for nurses.
  3. if you could do it over again....

    I love libraries.
  4. New Grad RN looking for a job in CT

    Try the VA in West Haven.
  5. That Dreaded 3-11 Shift

    I'm another 2nd shifter who works 5 evening shifts a week. In the long New England winter especially, working evenings lets me get enough sunshine (or at least daylight) during my hours off.
  6. New Nurse New Mom - How do I get back to work?

    Yes, an office is a great option. Often you can find short shifts in an office to fill in staffing holes or to add to staffing during busy hours -- like when everyone shows up for physical exams with fasting blood draws early in the morning. Another ...
  7. Try St. Vincent's in Bridgeport, along with Bridgeport Hospital and Milford Hospital. Or, consider staying in PA next summer and interning there. More than likely you'll make good contacts there during your first year of nursing school. Good luck!
  8. Ex-Mort Sci student looking for advice

    Hi -- I can't answer all your questions, but if you're interested in becoming an RN, look into Gateway Community College in New and North Haven, and go to one of their info sessions. You'll need to take Bio, both A&P I and II, Chemistry, and Engl...
  9. Uniforms for nursing students?

    At Gateway, we ordered our uniforms from a place in Wallingford -- I think it's called The Uniform Source. White pants, navy blue polo and white jacket. We have to get all-white sneakers or shoes, but can buy them anywhere.
  10. Three Rivers ADN program

    Hi -- I don't know anything about Three Rivers, but I'm starting Gateway's nursing program this fall, and we have lecture scheduled on Mon. and Thurs. from 4-6pm. On Tues. and Wed., we have lab for the first month or so, from 3-9:30 pm. Then we'll be...
  11. Capital Anyone

    Thanks for all the details. Is the med test a math test? I'm starting at Gateway in the fall. We might have the same test, but I don't know yet -- orientation's not until next week.
  12. Financial Aid for those already w/ a BA?

    Hi -- I have a BA also and am starting an AS program in nursing this August. I've never used student aid before, and when I applied for it, my community college told me I was not eligible for any grants or subsidized loans, but I could still apply fo...
  13. Uniforms for nursing students?

    Hi CGB1, I'm certified already as a professional rescuer, which Gateway is accepting. The Red Cross in New Haven has CPR classes scheduled in June. Btw, do you think a specific kind of shoes are also required for the uniform? I can't wait to get my ...
  14. Uniforms for nursing students?

    Hi -- Just wondering if anyone knows what the uniforms are like for nursing students at the community colleges -- specifically Gateway, but maybe they're the same for all programs? I'm not sure if they're just scrubs, or something totally different. ...
  15. Has anyone applied to St. Vincent's for Fall 09 nursing

    The Red Cross in New Haven holds CPR and other classes regularly. Also, you might want to call Westbrook Ambulance (but not 911!) :wink2: and ask if they know of any in the area.