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About trogdor

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  1. speaking of inductions... question

    We only induce pts based on medical need, not mom is tired of being pregnant or Doc is feeling like sleeping at night. Sometimes we aren't even able to get in our inductions on the day they are scheduled because we are too busy, and don't have enou...
  2. Acoustic Stimulator

    We use them in triage if there are no accels, but never in labor. We try hydration, scalp stim, and O2.
  3. magnet hospitals?

    I worked at the university of Washington when I was a new grad. It has won the magnet award I think 3 times now. They have a patient to nurse ratio of 4-1 on all med surg floors. They involve nurses in a lot of decision making, and I thought it w...
  4. interferon question

    My husband has been diagnosed with hepatitis C for over 2 years now. His GI doc is now recomending starting interferon. My only experience with interferon is when I had renal cell cancer pts taking it, and they said the side effects were horrible. ...