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About Kringe38

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  1. New grad job woes - question (long)

    Oh no, that has got to feel like a punch in the gut! To finally be told you have something and then have it yanked away. This whole job search thing is very much a roller coaster. Hopes up! Hopes down! Hopes up! Hopes down! Sigh.
  2. New grad job woes - question (long)

    That does make sense. I see what you mean. I do have a couple of their e-mail addresses. I e-mailed one right after my interview with her and got no reply at all. There is one who seems very nice and might answer me. I don't have any contact inf...
  3. New grad job woes - question (long)

    It's been several weeks now with no more interviews. Would they think I was weird if I called them back now at this late date and asked them to reconsider, or ask if there was anything I could do to improve? I am so tempted to call. I guess what I...
  4. New grad job woes - question (long)

    I do realize the job market is tough right now and employers have their pick of whoever they want to hire, yet I can't help but feel perplexed ever since I started looking for work. I have interviewed multiple times at the facility where I want to w...
  5. New nurse miserable at new job

    I am still struggling. I even tried to quit but they want to keep me and gave me another week of training. It's just still so miserable and now I feel even more guilty if I quit after I said I'd keep trying and they have invested this much time in ...
  6. New nurse miserable at new job

    Hi, there. This is a common story, I guess, but here goes. I got a job at a nursing home and have only been there a few days. I had a few days of orientation, then one day when I was on my own and it was awful. They have been super nice and given ...
  7. New grad and scared to work

    I passed my NCLEX last Wednesday and showed up on my BON website as an RN as of today. I thought I'd be over the moon, but I am actually just petrified beyond belief. I almost don't want to work as a nurse because I don't want to do anything to eve...
  8. Lots of SATA questions for June NCLEX testers???

    I took it on June 1 and felt like mine had a lot of SATA. I didn't keep count, but it was more than I was expecting for some reason. It stopped at 75 questions, I got the "good" pop-up, and yesterday my quick results said I passed. Now I just have...
  9. Just took NCLEX- stressed to the max!!!

    I just got home a couple of hours ago from taking mine, as well. I think it is normal to feel like you failed. They told us that in the review course I took, that the vast majority of NCLEX test takers feel like he** when they get done. I could ha...
  10. New RN's do you have a job yet?

    No job yet, and it's making me really blue.
  11. I have a Bachelor's and am about to graduate with an Associate's in nursing. I wasn't eligible for any grants but was able to get loans after filling out my FAFSA. If you have a low enough income, you might be eligible for help through your state. ...
  12. Countdown to Pinning

    Now it's 10 days as of today.
  13. Who pays for your pin?

    I would be interested to see one of these $5 pins. I had to pay about $100 for mine!
  14. Who pays for your pin?

    We pay for our own pin directly. I guess that's better, in a way, than having the cost of the pin rolled into tuition. At least you have the choice of whether or not to spend the money on it this way. If you can't or don't want to, you can still a...
  15. I think a lot of people in my class are feeling this way, me included. Only about a month to go and it's like pulling teeth to make myself do my clinical paperwork. And for some reason, my skin is acting up right now too. It's kind of a mess and I...