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About JB CC-RN

JB CC-RN specializes in MICU.

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  1. Do you have a living will? What does it say?

    My thoughts exactly!!
  2. 75 Questions on the NCLEX

    When that screen went blank and turned blue after 75 questions, I thought I did so bad the test just stop. But, by the grace of God, I passed:w00t:
  3. Fired from job

    Maybe I missed this in the posts, but did any of the supervisors do an investigation? I would think that if a charge of abuse or 'torture' was made by a family member, someone from the facility would go to the home and invesigate. This to me makes no...
  4. RN's and the dreaded clinical experience...

    Personally, I love to have students. I think part of the problem is, some nurse forget where they come from.....meaning, we ALL started as students. Most all nurses can remember what it was like to be a student in a clinical setting and want to learn...
  5. Best Underwear to wear under scrubs??

    LOL. I have seen bright red and smiley faces, panties under white scrubs, and the obvious thong showing above hipster scrubs. All are very attractive. LOL. Not!! The best panty I have found is actually called The best panty ever. You can get the...
  6. Have an insulin needle question

    I have known people who do this who need to save a buck or two who are on a fixed income.
  7. How To Say No

    On my days off, I just let voice mail answer the call. Thank goodness for caller id
  8. 75 questions and 49 long hours later

    CONGRATS!!!!! :biggringi :smiley_aa
  9. can you refuse an assignment?

    You can refuse an assignment if you feel it to be unsafe, such as taking care of a pt with infectious disease when you are pregnant or immunosuppressed.
  10. LOL LOL:rotfl: Wouldn't have love to have heard that officer's report to his cheif "We thought it was a fetus found in refrigerator at crack house, but it was really an oyster" LOL
  11. 265 in tears

    :smiley_aa :smiley_aa CONGRATS:smiley_aa :smiley_aa
  12. New Grad to Fully Functioning RN - How long?

    You need 10-12 weeks to give you the knowledge and experience to feel comfortable in your new surroundings. You need time with a preceptor to help you with policies and procedures, getting familar the equipment and routine on the unit. There are so m...
  13. Any bedside nurses making over 100K ?

    Bedside nurse making > $100,000 in this area.........:rotfl:
  14. Labs H&H

    I only call on critical H&H's or if there is a specific order to call if H&H is
  15. To clamp or not to clamp......that is the question

    I clamp. Some pt have such good blood return you run the risk of blood backing up in the line and clotting it off. Just me