

Med/Surg, Rehab, Psych, CV step-down

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About Murse3

Murse3 has 4 years experience and specializes in Med/Surg, Rehab, Psych, CV step-down.

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  1. 1 year in and I cannot do bedside anymore!

    I was in the same position and switched to home health about 6 mos ago and love it. I too use to dread going to work and now don't actually mind it that much. A lot more paper work than bedside, but a lot less stress and a lot more flexibility.
  2. Help! Need patient referrals........

    Since I started in HH about 6 mos ago our agency has pushed all RN Case Managers to make all f/u appts w/ M.D.'s to put a face to our HH company. We have seen a moderate increase in referrals since doing this. Another thing we really stress is keepin...
  3. Post-pacer and AVR pt

    I have a pt at home s/p AVR and pacer placement, ~ 5 weeks postop, that has had noticeable balance problems (she deviates to right side) since having pacer placed. I thought I heard in school that balance problems can be associated with both procedur...
  4. What college should I go to for my BSN?

    I graduated from ISU in Pocatello last December and felt I was prepared well to enter the nursing field. They currently accept around 70 new students each Nov. with apps due in mid-Sep. and the program 5 semester in length. The BSU RN to BSN is throu...
  5. Monitoring of patients

    On the16 bed. locked unit I work on, the MHT, or BHT as we call them, performs a safety check every 15 minutes on all pts regardless if they are a new admit or are going home that day which is recorded on a paper with places to show the pt's location...