Published Aug 20, 2009
6 Posts
I have a pt at home s/p AVR and pacer placement, ~ 5 weeks postop, that has had noticeable balance problems (she deviates to right side) since having pacer placed. I thought I heard in school that balance problems can be associated with both procedures and that gradual improvement, which has occurred, is to be expected. Anyone have more insight into this situation? Thanks.
4 Posts
I hate to sound like such a tardy, geek...but it's really not within our scope as RN...unless you are an advanced practice try and tell this patient if it is a normal thing they are going through or not. Post pacer/avr is really something for the pt's cardiologist/surgeon to deal with. I would suggest they call their cardiologist asap to get checked over. :redbeathe
Virgo_RN, BSN, RN
3,543 Posts
I have personally never heard that, and I don't see why that would be the case. People with aortic valve stenosis or with AV blocks may have issues with dizziness related to the poor perfusion resulting from these conditions, and I would imagine that this would improve once the conditions are addressed, but I can't think of any reason they would experience balance problems as a direct result of the procedures. But then again, I am just a nurse, and not qualified to diagnose....just giving my thoughts off the top of my head.