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  1. Easiest NP specialty to get accepted into?

    Many of the top ranking schools don't require a minimum GPA (may require GREs), as it should be. Good graduate schools look at candidates as a whole - understanding that often times low gpa's are related to immaturity and low interest in classes that...
  2. FNP programs that look at last 60 hr GPA?

    Look for schools that have no GPA requirement, they usually require GREs but they tend to look at candidates as a whole. Don't be discouraged - I had a 2.8 gpa and was accepted to an Ivy League NP program. I got my ADN, then BSN from a state school....
  3. License of Endorsement for NY? Where do I begin?

    I'm from California and I got my NY license last year. I filled out 3 forms I believe, one was the application itself for NY, the second was my school verification which I filled half and the school fills the other half and sent that, and the third w...
  4. I need NYU, UPENN, Columbia, UCSF MSN info.

    Nice, congrats Lacie. I am sending my application tomorrow for the ACNP. Maybe we'll be going to school together in the fall! One question, do you know how many slots there are for each np program? Also, how long did it take for them to get back to y...
  5. I need NYU, UPENN, Columbia, UCSF MSN info.

    What NP program did you get into?
  6. NYU vs Columbia ANP program??

    I was interested in applying to NYU and Columbia for the ACNP programs and also very interested in the Holistic NP program at NYU. Ebu, how hard was it to get into Columbia's NP program? How many students do they take in during their summer term ver...
  7. Columbia ETP vs. Yale GEPN for psych?

    Patty, I'm thinking about applying to Columbia's ACNP program. How many students to they take during their summer term and how hard is it to get in? I'm graduating with my BSN this May and I have 3 years experience as a RN 3.0 GPA overall, 3.4 in nur...
  8. Hi, I am looking to apply to NYU, UPENN, UCSF and Columbia to their MSN program. I already have my BSN. I was curious if you guys know how competitive their programs are (applicants vs accepted), and how much GPA plays a factor into admissions. I ha...
  9. NYP & NYU salaries, ratios, hours.

    Hi everyone, Just curious, planning on moving to NYC with one year experience from California, just curious to a few things at NYU and NYPresbyterian or Sloan Kettering: 1. Salaries: What are their hourly rates for full time, and per diem? 2. Genera...