klone MSN, RN

Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery

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About klone

klone has 18 years experience as a MSN, RN and specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

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  1. I did the same with my L&D team. I hope I impressed upon them the importance of always always always looking at the label.
  2. klone

    Nursing License Texas

    I received my temp license within a few days of applying, and my permanent license in less than a month. I assume you completed the nursing jurisprudence test online and submitted fingerprints? When you go to the BON website, what does it s...
  3. How coincidental that this article just came through my feed this morning https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/pharmacy/ismp-urges-enhanced-safety-measures-for-dispensing-cabinets.html?origin=QualityE&utm_source=QualityE&...
  4. klone

    Misleading Employment contract

    Did you read the contract before signing it?
  5. The Son of Sam Law. I'd be curious to know how this navigates that.
  6. It's almost like we are reading and participating in 2 different threads here. Nowhere have I seen what you describe above. In fact, the only name calling in this thread at all came from....you. Can you please give us some examples of these "rabid...
  7. "System breakdowns" huh? *** system broke down in that situation?
  8. Calling people "snowflakes" is just like calling someone a "Karen" - all it's meant to do is shut down conversation. It's the tactic of unimaginative cowards.
  9. I know of at least 3 organizations that have paid her to speak at their events. And yes, I've heard her schtick. I've also read the headlines. And I've heard other nurses IRL make reference to her. And absolutely, it's being portrayed as "p...
  10. Here is a good article that explains the difference between plain old medical malpractice, and that which enters the realm of criminal negligence. The "reckless disregard that involves significant deviation from standard of care" is one such factor. ...
  11. Actually, yes. They are. There have been a handful of "medical error" cases that have gone to criminal trial in the past couple decades. There is no and will not be any "slippery slope" or precedent created by this particular case.
  12. Okay, one thing I will say that the facility could have done differently to have prevented this from happening - they could have required 3 letters before pulling up the override list, instead of just 2. The facility I most recently came from require...
  13. Your facts are incorrect. First, she did not have to override all meds. Mrs. Murphey's Versed WAS in the Pyxis profile, and had been for (I believe, if I remember the TBI report correctly) at least 15 minutes prior to when RV accessed the Pyxis. She ...
  14. Yes, it is my contention that VUH had no hand in this patient's death. What they did afterwards was horrible and they deserve severe repercussions for the subsequent coverup. But no, they had no hand in Mrs. Murphey's death. She was not overworked, g...
  15. This topic is everybody's business. And the only ones coming close to "piling on" that I've seen in the thread are the RV apologists. Those of us who have been critical of her are not armchair quarterbacks. We've literally been discussing this case s...