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About *Scrubs*

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  1. LTC newbie.. CNA's hate me! help!

    Whether they NEED the help or not...do something little to help pitch in. No one likes the nurse who is too 'good' to do CNA work. If you show them respect and establish a firm but understanding type of leadership they will in turn respect you. These...
  2. LTC Newbie...scared!

    I have no LTC experience and have recently begun training for my shift. I am by no means afraid of working hard, but what I have seen so far has me worried. Is it normal for a morning Med pass to take literally all day? The guy training me says th...
  3. having an average in school over 90%. I am curious... I don't want to be one of those book smart people who blow the 'big' test. Do the schools really prepare you for the NCLEX or is that something you need to study for on your own? Oh.... I am study...
  4. I know it depends on the person but who has taken it and feels they wasted time or didn't give themselves enough time? I don't want to wait too long as they say the longer you wait the worse you do so I scheduled it right way while I know of people ...
  5. Today, we all need to be thinking about job security as well. So yes, it is worth it and plenty of opportunity to continue your education or change positions- LTC, Dr.s office, etc.
  6. Venting about ClassMates

    The sad part is, this is how life is. When you get out into the work field you are going to have this problem. There is a pecking order (so to speak) no matter where you go. It is up to you to rise above it. Especially if you are a young nurse- s...
  7. Care Plans

    I agree! Thanks!!!
  8. Care Plans

    Anyone know of good websites to get examples and help? TIA
  9. what have i gotten into?

    It takes special people to work in LTC, no doubt about it. What has helped me deal with the depressing parts is dedicate myself to making a small difference in the lives of the residents I meet. It can be a simple as getting them a stash of kleenex...
  10. What would you do?

    My gut tells me to call the state and let them conduct a surprise visit! What I would like to see happen is the place to become somewhat civilized... Sadly, I cannot do anything to ruin my career, so I will probably do nothing. I am just ill over it...
  11. I'm sorry...what's the question?
  12. What color are your school's scrubs?

    I would not like tan either- not very nurse like....BUT! You totally have the advantage against stains. I hate the fact that my [white] uniform will eventually get dingy and riddled with stains.
  13. What would you do?

    I guess my problem is, I am no newbie to LTC and the crap I saw was down-right barbaric. I kept my post brief, but there were many more incidents - including naked residents with doors wide open-that I did not mention, coherent residents called nam...
  14. What would you do?

    The other day was our first day of clinicals and we had to basically shadow but not do too much. (I have many years of experience in the setting we were in.) What would you do if the person you were shadowing was COMPLETELY unprofessional? I don't th...
  15. nursing school

    I find that if I associate terms to silly things I remember them. Like... in spanish...BOCA means mouth.....so the BROCA area is for SPEECH. That is really the only way I remember stuff...what worries me is I feel like I am regurgitating everythin...