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About bonitamiaRN

Latest Activity

  1. Congratulations!!! GOD is good, all the time!
  2. Nurse Extern Interview!!

    That's pretty cool!! Good luck with the interview! If you've had it already, let us know how it went.
  3. Nurse Extern Interview!!

    I did not think that you can extern when you have not completed Block 1....has that changed?
  4. NET and Banner Nurse Fellows

    I know that Banner takes into consideration your NET scores, your GPA, your application essay answers and your prereq completions into account. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how they weigh all of those things out when determining whom to call for...
  5. ?? for current nurses

    I want your shift when I graduate. I want to work part time. But I am sure that it is better for me to work full time first and then transition to part time. I have three kids under 9 yo at home also. Thanks again for everyone's input. It seems l...
  6. ?? for current nurses

    Thanks for everyone's answers.
  7. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    Thanks, much!!
  8. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    Does anyone know what scrubs we will be wearing for the Banner program? Is it the same as the MCCD Nursing program (the teal one w/MCCD logo)?
  9. Waiting times?

    I applied at the same time that you did, Oct '07 to the MCCD program. I was told that the wait was 1 to 1.5 year wait. I also applied to the Banner Fellows program in Jan '08 and was accepted - starting Block 1 on 7/14. I do believe that the more ...
  10. ?? for current nurses

    What hours do you work and what dept/unit do you work in? I have an understanding that most units are run on 12 hr shifts, 7-7pm or 7-7am...I am sure that is not the case for every department. However, I was wondering what is a normal shift for any...
  11. On Hold....

    Aawww, I am sorry to hear that. I pray for the best for you and your family. I know that you have to do what's best for your family right now. I am sure that you will find a way to reach your goal. Take care and God Bless!
  12. What do I do now?

    If I had not gotten into the program this month, then my next class that I was going to take was a pathophysiology class and some other lower level courses that I would need (and could take at comm college level) to apply to my BSN. Good luck on get...
  13. Age you will/were graduated?

    I will be 41 when I am completed and am turning 40 in August.
  14. Titers, shots and papers due oh my

    I just got back and I was OK on all but the Hep B shots, so I started that today. I just have to go back Monday for my TB skin test read and I am home free (with immunizations at least). Now for the hard part - nursing school.
  15. Titers, shots and papers due oh my

    I go today to get my titer results (and possibly more shots) and for my 2nd TB skin test at 1PM. I am just praying that all of my results are in, otherwise, they too will be signing some sort of form to the affect. I am glad that they are working wi...