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About kei_song

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  1. I'm a 41 year old Filipino US-RN with an active Vermont license and working as an OR nurse here in Philippines. Until now, I still have my dream and hope that someday I'll be working in the US as a nurse. Do you think it's worth the time to wait for ...
  2. Visa Screen Certificate / CGFNS

    It about 2 weeks since I asked the CA board of Nursing to give the result of my NCLEX to CGFNS. So does it mean that I have to wait for some more days before doing any action?
  3. Visa Screen Certificate / CGFNS

    I applied for Visa Screening and submitted all the requirements but when I opened my account it says that "ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT FROM CORRESPONDENCE TO CGFNS - WAITING TO BE RECEIVED" and it has a note telling "ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT - passed NCLEX ...
  4. Visa Screen Certificate / CGFNS

    I applied for Visa Screening amd submitted all the requirements but when I opened my account it says that "ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT FROM CORRESPONDENCE TO CGFNS - WAITING TO BE RECEIVED" and