

Med-Surg, Onc Floor & Clinic, SDS, LTC

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About JHFaith

JHFaith specializes in Med-Surg, Onc Floor & Clinic, SDS, LTC.

Latest Activity

  1. What's for supper...

    ]Hello everyone! Since starting school my husband and I have not had the time to cook and prepare meals like we did before. I thought it would be fun for us to share quick, easy, and healthy recipes. I'm especially interested in meals that make good ...
  2. Another APA software question...

    ]Thank you all for your helpful replies! :redpinkhe
  3. ]Sorry for yet another post regarding APA software but I have a question and I would really appreciate your feedback. In the next few days I will be purchasing either Perrla or Reference Point Software to help with APA formatting. Has anyone used bot...
  4. Please Help...Surg Tech Questions

    Thanks ewattsjt for your help with the AST message boards. Just a few minutes ago I was able to access the message boards. I'm going to read through some of the posts soon and I hope to learn a lot. Thanks again. Take Care!
  5. which job would you choose?

    I'm not a nurse but I thought I would add my two cents worth. I worked as a CNA for five years in Same Day Surgery and we worked closely with the Endoscopy department. I thought you should take into account that on many occasions you may not get do...
  6. Please Help...Surg Tech Questions

    Thank you ewattsjt for the useful information. I understand this isn't the best forum to get information about surgical technology but I knew some of you out there would be able to help me. I still cannot get access to the message boards on the AST w...
  7. Please Help...Surg Tech Questions

    Zerby1470, thank you for the information. I appreciate your reply.
  8. Please Help...Surg Tech Questions

    Thank you for your reply CSTwannabe! I really appreciate your input. I plan on starting the surgical technologist program soon so I'm trying to find out as much as I can before it starts so I know my decision to start the program is right. It is h...
  9. Hello everyone! I know this is a message board for nurses but I was hoping you could answer my questions regarding surgical technologists. I have already visited the Association of Surgical Technologists website but I am unable to register to get acc...
  10. Hello everyone! I know this is a message board for nurses but I was hoping you could answer my questions regarding surgical technologists. I have already visited the Association of Surgical Technologists website but I am unable to register to get a...