

oncology, transplant, OB

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About glamgalRN

glamgalRN has 5 years experience and specializes in oncology, transplant, OB.

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  1. 4530 Who is in?

    I need your help.. I am trying to find where to post for week 2 for my case study. I have been following the directions and doing the same thing for an hour and a half.. I go to TOOLS --> click on GROUPS ---> then my case study comes up, s...
  2. easiest and most difficult nursing class at OU

    I think I'm taking leadership in August, from what I've read on this board it sounds like it's difficult. Thanks for responding!
  3. Gerontology summer 2013

    yeah I goggled it and saw it wasn't a nursing class and checked my DARS and I don't have to take it! thank god! Now I'm trying to get this last paper done!
  4. Gerontology summer 2013

    I've read a couple posts about global health. My advisor didn't mention this class when telling me what remaining classes I had left. Is it a nursing course? I already have a bachelors so I'm hoping OU accepted one of my courses instead of me taki...
  5. I was thinking about taking two nursing classes at some point this fall to be able to finish up sooner. I have already taken four nursing classes. However, I think this would be nearly impossible if they were two challenging classes. I am wonderin...
  6. Gerontology summer 2013

  7. Gerontology summer 2013

    nevermind i got it back a couple hrs after my posting. My TA is pretty fair. I have an A in this class, it's actually not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Now I'm working on this paper due tonight... I'm having such a hard time keeping it ...
  8. Gerontology summer 2013

    did you all get your grade back from week two yet? i like to see my grade and review anything I did wrong before starting the paper for week three. i must say, this course is definitely one of the easier nursing courses so far. maybe it's because ...
  9. RNC in Maternal/Newborn Nursing

    It's been a long time since I've posted on this site! I'm excited to be back! After working on med/surg for 3 years I transferred to mom/baby 2 years ago. I absolutely love it and know this is where I want to be. I was thinking about obtaining my...
  10. How fast is too fast to transfuse blood?

    Our hospital policy is it must go through a 20 gauge or larger IV. I did run blood through a 22g once (got an order from the MD for that) when I was a new nurse and it took forever to go through and I think someone said there's a chance of hemolysis ...
  11. I'm a new nurse on a med/surg unit and have been off orientation for 2 weeks. I've noticed that it's common for us to get new admissions around 1830-1845ish from the ER and the admissions unit. It really bugs me because I'm never sure how much of the...
  12. New nurse needs help moving to Philly!

    If I were you I would check into renting a house with a couple of friends in Manayunk. It's still in Philly but has a "cute little town feel" with a main street that has a bunch of bars and trendy restaurants and is geared to people in their mid twen...
  13. gift for preceptor

    Lindsey, I was just at the mall yesterday and saw the cutest nurses christmas tree decoration. It was from one of those stands in the middle of the mall, but I've seen them a lot of the malls in my area around Christmas. Just at idea! Good luck!
  14. Blood splatter

    omg I can totally relate to you! I'm a new nurse too and got a drop of blood on my arm from an accucheck from a patient with hep c and HIV. I immediately got alcohol pads and wipped the blood off and washed my arm. Then I asked my preceptor what to d...
  15. freaking out!!!!! please help me fast!

    I'm a brand new nurse and am on orientation. My patient was in pain today so they ordered 2 mg of dilaudid IV push q6 hours. I was told in report that her pain was relieved from that dosage. So later in the day she went down to the OR to have a proc...