

Correctional Nursing; MSN student

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About mtsteelhorse

mtsteelhorse has 16 years experience and specializes in Correctional Nursing; MSN student.

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  1. Psych NP - USA, UND, EKU ?

    I am attending EKU and so far, so good. I am half-way through the program and clinical rotations begin next month. I like the layout of the program. Most courses are 8 weeks in length with different start times. I don't know how it compares to other ...
  2. New Grad: from oncology to psychiatry

    One of the great advantages we have as nurses is that we can change specialties. I think many people drawn to working with patients with mental illness have personal experience. If you feel passionate about psych then perhaps it's time to make a chan...
  3. Who is working while completing NP?

    I work FT M-Th and attend a part-time online PMHNP program. I will likely change my days to include weekend hours when clinicals start next month. I use some vacation days to study.
  4. What kind of grades needed to get into PSYCH NP program?

    I'm sure there is some variability and admission boards look at the overall qualifications of applicants. In general a 3.5 gpa tends to be a good goal to shoot for. Good luck to you!
  5. What age did you complete your BSN or ASN?

    ADN at 38, BSN at 51, MSN will be completed by age 56 in 2017.
  6. Common Nursing Complaints & Psych NP's - Not As Bad?

    PMHNP programs are geared towards medication management based on diagnosis and symptoms. There is little therapy involved. The psych courses focus on mental illness and diagnostics/treatment.
  7. Advanced patho/stats

    I had to take stats to complete my online BSN. I am so terrified of numbers I searched for the easiest online class I could find. If you're good with numbers and formulas you should be fine. I am not. I have not had to take stats in grad school. IMO ...
  8. Advanced pathophysiology

    What school are you attending? I read the Incredibly Simple book to prepare. Good luck!
  9. EKU online FNP program

    I am an EKU MSN student in the PMHNP program and I love it. I started last summer. I work FT and it's doable. I was accepted at SLU and Drexel. So glad I opted for EKU. I've had no issues and have completed 4 courses. It's a good school. I like that ...
  10. PMHNP- Drexel or EKU

    Call each school to see if you can attend if you live in MA. Determine the cost of attending each school. Is this an issue for you? I was accepted at both schools and a few others. Ultimately I chose EKU. Drexel requires on campus visits several time...
  11. To remain as an RN w MSN or to proceed to be an FNP

    I am in a psych NP program and feeling the same way. I am just entering my second semester but I'm feeling very nervous about the level of responsibility and material to comprehend. I think this is perfectly normal but I definitely get where you're c...
  12. 20 hours a week is not an unreasonable expectation for the more challenging, in depth courses. A lot depends on what you bring to the table from your prior studies.
  13. CSUDH MSN/FNP fall 2014

    I started adv patho a while back as a non-degree student while waiting to apply to another school. Hopefully they have improved things. I ended up dropping the course because it was a horrific nightmare of disorganization...unbelievably so. It was a ...
  14. GRE Math HELP!

    I feel your pain. I'm so lame I applied to grad schools that didn't require the GRE. Kahn Academy (on line) has some great math tutorials. Good luck!
  15. Nurse Practitioner Mental Health

    I am attending EKU but have not started clinicals yet. I like the program thus far. I was accepted to several online programs and they all required students to find their own preceptors. I recommend contacting some providers in your area and ask to s...