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About olufemi254

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  1. Essex County College Fall 2019 Nursing

    You could always retake a class or two you received a “B” or “C” before retaking the teas test to strengthen your application.
  2. How much do you make as a tech?

    hegster, could you give more info on MD pay for PCTs.
  3. Where are all the "older" nurses?

    I love this thread. It gives me hope as I will be 40-42 when I become a new RN. However, what bothers me is the fact that in no profession is there any kind of job security. We are all at risk, even those of us who take on jobs that are in high grow...
  4. Starting school at older age! :(

    Older RNs, did it take long to secure your first job?
  5. New CNA moving to Baltimore from Minnesota

    Well how did everything workout? Have you started a BSN program?

    @nursecupcake9 Thanks for your post. After reading so much doom and gloom about LPNs, quite frankly I was afraid to go for an LPN program. You've given me hope.
  7. Are LPN's being phased out?

    Do you mind telling us why you think your career life would've been much easier as an LPN.
  8. Are LPN's being phased out?

    yes, i think people should add not out of a profession as a whole but possibly out of hospitals. otherwise it does come across as a bit inflammatory.
  9. Community college - RN program

    I have a bacholors degree and I had a 3.3 gpa.
  10. For those who are in a nursing program:idea:, will you please tell us how many hours per day do you study. Will you please state what class/classes you are currently taking and if you noticed that you needed to study more for some classes vs other c...
  11. Bccc

    BCCC program also has a wait list. They don't require that you take an entrance exam though. YOu need at least a 2.5 gpa to get in. Another important thing about this school is that they don't have student loans. So you must make sure you have your f...
  12. School Poll

    1. How many schools did you apply to? 1 2. Which school was your number one choice? CCBC-Cationsville 3. Where were you accepted? Yes 4. Which school did you end up going to? I will be attending CCBC-Cationsville this Fall
  13. Accepted At Ccbc Catonsville

    I was accepted into the Fall class of CCBC Cationsville too.