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About NurseHubby2b

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  1. Question about "diploma" RNs & jobs in CT

    Thank you so much for helping me! We want to make sure we make the right choice from the start but its hard when you have no one to ask!
  2. Dilemma: Accepted BHSN and Gateway - which to attend?

    Does gateway not have any financial aid at all for the diploma RN program?? We are looking at them but are just starting in our process but definitely couldnt pay cash
  3. Diploma Nurses

    How do I know if the school is good? In CT we are looking at Gateway Community College at the 2 yr diploma program Also I heard gateway has no financial aid ??
  4. We are looking at gateway thanks to a very helpful poster here. My question is, is it hard to get a job as an RN without your BSN? How long, if you go back to school does it take to get your ADN or BSN? We live in wallingford if that matters for pay...
  5. Questions about Diploma Program

    My hubby is looking into the RN diploma program here at Gateway COmmunity College. My question is.. is this hard to get a job afterwards without your BSN? Also its a 2 year school, how much longer would he need to go back to get his ADN and BSN? Were...
  6. My DH is looking for a 2 yr RN program, I know someone who did it at a school in hartford but we hope for something closer since we are in wallingford. Anyone know what schools offer this?