Bill E. Rubin

Bill E. Rubin

Neuro, Cardiology, ICU, Med/Surg

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About Bill E. Rubin

Bill E. Rubin has 7 years experience and specializes in Neuro, Cardiology, ICU, Med/Surg.

Nursing survivor. Seven years as RN in a few different hospital settings; 20+ years as a software engineer and a few years doing... other things.

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  1. Nodding off...

    I agree with those who say to let it go. No winning those battles, unfair as the are. Who would want to work on such a unit anyway? As one poster said, it's one thing to sprawl out with a blanket and pillow with your tongue hanging out and snoring, v...
  2. More Things You'd Love to be Able to say to Patients

    Thanks everyone! I've lost some of my steam since my last post, but here goes: "Yes, I know you'd like your Ambien, as is evidenced by your pressing the call light seventeen times since the last time you spoke to me about it. As I mentioned before, y...
  3. I had a vent I was all excited to share.... and found the thread to be closed. :-(
  4. Need a new perspective here....

    I'm guessing the pt is on a heparin gtt (or argatroban or some such) and the night nurse was looking for a PTT? There is usually a therapeutic goal and an institutional policy about when to draw a PTT if it's therapeutic vs sub/supra therapeutic (12 ...
  5. Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    A dear relative of mine is really struggling to provide care for her demented husband... a tough situation for her given her advanced age and mediocre health. However, I had to laugh when I received an email that her husband was hospitalized for a "u...
  6. Mandated Flu vaccine?

    The hospitals really aren't that interested in protecting us healthy people from getting sick. They are concerned with us getting infected with the virus and by the time we show symptoms, have already spread it to frail, sick patients who could die f...
  7. Mandated Flu vaccine?

    Actually, my big Boston hospital doesn't require it, but strongly encourages it and does require opt-outers to wear a mask after the first case of flu hits the hospital. I think it's a reasonable request to protect the patients (and staff from each o...
  8. How to go about saying thank you to your nurse?

    I second all those who say sending praise to the supervisor (or hospital administration). Nothing beats a highly public "thank you" that gets seen by the nurses' peers and management.
  9. anyone leave high paying 1st career?

    You are not alone (though it feels that way sometimes). I left a 20+ year as a software engineer/architect to be a nurse. I consulted part time while going to my accelerated BSN program, and now I work as a nurse making about 2/3 the salary I made at...
  10. Male Nurses/female Patients

    Whoa, dude, why the hostility? Mike has a valid point. He witnessed what appeared to him controlling and jealous behavior and just said that in hindsight, he wondered whether getting the pt alone for further assessment would have been warranted. That...
  11. You're On Stage

    Seriously? Who comes up with this rubbish? I love how so many different institutions force the "I have the time" onto the scripts as if saying so makes it so. I'm sure that so many different institutions' patient satisfaction surveys have a common c...
  12. Your Favorite one liner used with patients

    We had a pt with a long and complicated illness who was just the nicest guy and always appreciative of everything that was done for him. All the nurses loved him and couldn't do enough for him. He also has a good sense of humor.... I walked by his be...
  13. If I can't sleep NOBODY CAN!

    Seriously?? Thank you for jumping to conclusions. In fact, you are incorrect. My wife works full-time, though my MIL is retired, from another country and is staying with us now to help take care ofthe kids at times. We actually pay her for this. Her ...
  14. If I can't sleep NOBODY CAN!

    I'm a day-night flipper, sometimes more than once in the same week, much to the amazement of my colleagues. My secret is chronic sleep deprivation, secondary to the presence of 20 month and 6 month old daughters in my house. I can fall alseep pretty ...
  15. How old were you when you finished nursing school?

    Started my ABSN at age 45 and finished it at 46.