

Emergency Medicine

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About TinyRNgrl

TinyRNgrl has 2 years experience and specializes in Emergency Medicine.

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  1. Randon drug screen.....scared!

    My test came back negative. And yes, our hospital does do random drug screens. Quite frequently. Thanks to everyone for the support. And to those I apparently irritated by posting a post that was posted "a gazillion times" forgive my Lord for I have ...
  2. Randon drug screen.....scared!

    I am scared! I have NEVER in my life been in this kind of situation. Was called for a random drug screen this AM. I had one before years ago and of course, came back negative. I don't take anything on a daily basis that would ever cause a positive. ...
  3. Work full time AND go to nursing school?

    It can be done. Not easy, but I worked a full time AND a part time job while going through nursing school. My full time job was EMS so luckily I had some down time between calls to study and do homework. I would mainly work 40 straight hours from Fri...
  4. Would appriciate advice to a new ER RN

    I am sure you are doing just fine. You have only been there a couple weeks. As long as you are prioritizing and making sure the critical tasks are getting done first, then rest assured the toothache pt can wait a few minutes for their meds. I tot...
  5. I agree with brainkandy, I have the same problems of periods of low BS even though I am non diabetic. I too keep glucose tablets in my work bag. (super cheap at wal-mart, like 98 cents for a little roll of them) Keep snacky foods that can be "eaten o...
  6. 24 weeker - how bad is it?

    ooops. Yea. I am a ER nurse. Thanks for clarifying.
  7. 24 weeker - how bad is it?

    On a positive note....My little niece Emma was born at 24 weeks gestation weighing right around a pound. She is now 9 months old and still thriving...and growing. She was delivered already at a hospital with a level 1 NICU. Thank God. They were read...
  8. Esme and the others said it all. You were where you were meant to be that day. I would be honored to have you as my nurse. :hug:Hugs to you.
  9. Patient Complaint

    Hey GitanoRN..................and it is in full swing in our ER this Full Moon weekend. Ugh. I think the full moon is tomorrow but we been getting it all weekend. Some people NEVER cease to amaze me with their antics. I used to tell myself these pt's...
  10. I never reveal I am a nurse. I think it is funny when I get a pt in the ER and I am explaining what I am going to do..(I am going to start an iv and draw some blood) right away I get, "I know, I am a nurse". wow. Good for you. When I ask, "Oh, are yo...
  11. How do you get thicker skin?

    It is hard not to take things pt's say personal....but you really can't take it personal. I am sorry he said that to you. Hugs to you.... :hug:
  12. Please someone help me understand..........

    "It drives me crazy the EMTs would have the same attitude when we called 911 for a full code. WE DON'T GET TO DECIDE!!!! It makes us CRAZY to call you so please don't look at us like we're stupid. We don't have any control in what the family decides ...
  13. Please someone help me understand..........

    "As for the doctor who didn't want to give the morphine, that should have been handled by the hospice doctor and or nurse. Someone is always on call." Dixie, it was the hospice nurse who called report to me and sent her in because the hospice doct...
  14. Twice this past week we received two hospice pt's, two days apart, who were actively dying. Mind you these hospice pt's were DNR/DNI/DO NOT TOUCH ME I WANT TO DIE IN PEACE! One pt wasn't even in the ER 20 minutes and she passed. Thankfully the family...
  15. Extremely Offensive ER experience

    Wow kayak. Where did this come from? Nobody was personally attaking anyone (well until your post). In which post did Dixieredhead say pt's shouldn't be educated? I must of missed it. She said pt's don't have the right to dictate their tx. As they don...