

Cardiac, Critical Care, ER

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About Flynurse007

Flynurse007 has 9 years experience and specializes in Cardiac, Critical Care, ER.

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  1. Need Excelsior CPNE Advice Please!!!

    send me an off line e-mail and I will send you good info. I am in San Antonio, Texas and if you need any help, I am willling to help you so you can be confident and pass without delay!! Good luck! CI, RN (Excelsior College graduate)
  2. CVICU vs TICU

    Hi there. I would think the TICU unit would definitely be a challenge and your experience on this unit would be invaluable to your future as a nurse! I'd say if they are going to train you, TAKE THE OPORTUNITY and run with it. You already know hearts...
  3. Need Excelsior CPNE Advice Please!!!

    Would you also be so kind to send them to me too?? I am testing next month and I am done reading over the CPNE study guide and I am about to start commiting to memory the critical elements. thanks.
  4. PASSING THE CPNE: tips from my experience

    I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE THAT! I am taking a workshop next week and would like to at least commit some to memory before the workshop.. WOuld you mind sending them to my e-mail?
  5. PASSING THE CPNE: tips from my experience

    Thanks for your input. I am currenlty trying to find Pneumonics for the critical elements. I am trying to come up with some, but it seems the more I try the less creative I get!!! It is a bit frustrating. If anyone outthere knows of any good sites t...