mclennan BSN, RN


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About mclennan

mclennan has 8 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in CCM, PHN.

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  1. mclennan

    New Grad in California

    There's a ton of threads about this. Please consider getting some experience somewhere else first. The market is insane here and you will have a pretty tough time. Sorry.
  2. mclennan


    Oh and folks, two fantastic products for covering up are TatJacket and Tat2X. They make various sizes and colors of sheaths made to pull on and cover up ink. Beats the heck out of always wearing long sleeves and long pants. I swear I don't work for ...
  3. mclennan


    Jeez, Ruby. You sound like you're 92. Honestly? You're that old fashioned and stuck up about tattoos? My mom and I got matching tattoos 2 years ago and she is in her 70s. She has over a dozen pieces on her that all look fantastic. I have 8. And my ...
  4. mclennan

    Young, Thin, and Cute New Hires

    As long as this 2 year old thread has been resurrected out of nowhere, yo are things going?
  5. mclennan

    Am I overstepping my boundaries? WWYD?

    I cannot believe some of the posts here. I'd swear this is a joke if I sadly didn't believe it to be true. I fear for nursing's future if this is the quality of intellect and character populating it.
  6. mclennan

    Why is it inappropriate to stand up for yourself?

    Newbie nurse. You have a good couple of decades ahead of you of dealing with doctors who will act like this. If you pop and get defensive every single solitary time it happens, you will burn out of this career in a few short years. Honestly? Keep y...
  7. mclennan

    Cedar Sinai Medical Center Job

    I worked there for 2 years and it was horrible. It pays well but you will be worked to death because of their poor staffing practices. And a hefty chunk of your paycheck will go toward rent and parking. Don't be one takes public transpo...
  8. mclennan

    You will all probably hate me for this

    Loving this discussion. As a lifelong angry curmudgeonly jackass, I've gotten in my fair share of trouble on the Internet and in real life. Miraculously, I still have a lot of friends, and a significant other and family who love me. Somehow I've ma...
  9. mclennan

    What have you learned about Death?

    Crap like this is why I barely look at or participate with AN any more. Too many non-nursing creeps & weirdos who found this because of Google. And admins who don't seem to care about how it impacts the quality of the content here.
  10. mclennan

    Why do some nurses come across to be rude?

    I *really* wish Google did NOT point every moron and their cousin to AN when searching for "nurses."
  11. mclennan

    What's to complain about?

    I agree 100%. Yes, you should have taken their "ADVICE."
  12. mclennan

    I'm a nurse and I don't like people.

    Oh, dear fellow introvert. Please don't be bamboozled into thinking case management is the answer! I've worked in CM off and on for the last 6 years and let me tell you, even though some CM jobs don't require face-to-face, you will have more contacts...
  13. mclennan

    I don't mean to complain..

    Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but no, it doesn't always get better for everyone. After 8 years of misery I have decided to take a long break and explore other professions. I have had 4 jobs during this time and only one wasn't INSANE. Literally everyw...
  14. That is WAY too long for any online forum. Your main issue might be anger management.
  15. mclennan

    ADN straight into BDN

    What is a BDN program?